Monday, April 30, 2007

Prayer Request


Things here in Savannah are going well. The Lord lead us to a wonderful home here that we have moved into. My wife has already found a job, in fact its the same place she worked at before. I thought I would be working more with my old boss as well, but for what ever reason God has, that has not worked out so well. So I am in prayer about that. I know God will lead me in the right direction, I just need to keep the faith.

I got a troubling call from my dear brother in upstate NY over the weekend. He told me his son Billy had found a lump in his stomach. Billy is 15 years old and has Christ living in his heart. Please lift up this young man of Christ in prayer. Pray that this lump is nothing, and that through all of this, God's glory will be revealed.

Thank you for your prayers. Peace to you all,

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Greeting all,

Hope everyone is doing well... We are getting good and settled here in Savannah. Things are coming together great. We are staying with good friend here who has opened his home up to us for as long as we need. We are looking for a place to rent first, that way we can take our time looking for a place to buy. God's hand has been in all of this... sometimes we get a little impatient for things to happen faster, but we always step back and say "Let go, and let God".

I'm going into the Savannah Rescue Mission next week to volunteer, so we'll see where that goes. This is something that the Lord is leading me to big time. I want to make myself more open and available to His calling everyday. God has brought us back here for a reason... so here I am Lord... Help me empty myself more and more... so that you can fill me with your Spirit more and more.

May God keep you all safe and well.

Your brother,