Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Greetings all,

I want to take a moment and share with you all what God has done for me this day.

As allot of you know, I've been unemployed now for about 4 months. This last month I made an attempt to start a business with a good friend of mine, but nothing ever took off. Everything was coming down to the wire, rent was over due, utilities were coming up, water was due. Things were not going in our favor at all. Despite sending what must have been a hundred resumes out, I wasn't even getting a nibble on a job. I have to be honest with you, I was beginning to wonder if God had forgotten me. Even with all of your prayers, my families prayers and my prayers, I was not getting any kind of an answer. No other time in my life have I felt so alone in the desert. We've all been there, but this time was the longest for me, and the darkest. But, God being the faithful God that He is, has provided me with a job (Thank you oh merciful God). Last night I got a call from a dear friend who knew of our struggles. She was talking with her sister, and her sister informed her of a position that her husband knew of. The job is with a local trucking contractor who has a contract with the US Postal Service taking bulk mail from one location to another. Not that much driving really. The farthest point I drive to is like 40 miles away. You go between locations all day. Pay is almost twice as much as I was making at my previous job (thank you oh merciful God). I called the guy last night after I got off the phone with my friend. The guy was super nice and was really in need of some good help. He warned me that the hours were different from a 9 to 5 gig. I told him I didn't care what they were. So we met today over lunch (he paid... way cool ), and everything went well. We seemed to hit it off great. So he gave me all the papers to fill out. I have to go get finger printed at the Sheriffs office in the morning, that's no big deal. If I get all that into him tomorrow, I will be starting like on Friday...
Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!

Dear friends, this has been the most trying time in my life. I know we go through these experiences for a reason, usually for the Potters Hand to remove more of us, to expose more of His Son... Jesus Christ. I just wish it wasn't so painful... LOL.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you this wonderful thing that God has done for me. I want to praise and acknowledge Him for everything He does in my life. Even the painful things, I know He does out of love.

Thank you all for being my friends. I wish I could meet you all and give you a BIG BEAR HUG!! Your friend and brother,

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Prayer request

Greetings brothers and sisters,

Below is an email I received from my brother in Ithaca, NY. His 15 year old son is still battling cancer. He has begun chemo treatments, and Billy (that's the young mans name) could really use your prayers. So could the entire family. My brother William is the pastor of a local church there, and every since he took over the church he and his family have been under serious attack from the enemy. Like I always remind people, once you truly give your life over to Christ, all of hell is against you.

"Hello Everyone
This is going to a short update/prayer request for Billy. Billy is already in the hospital having his 4 th chemo treatment. Only 10 more to go. He was to start his treatment today Thur, But his blood counts were at a level that wanted to start asap. So Christina and Billy went up early yesterday morning and started his treatment. I went up last night and he was doing Ok. He did get sick about a hour after his treatment ,but his attitude is so good he makes it easier for Chris and I . Please prayer that the cancer will never return to his body and that the treatment will do exactly what it is designed to do and not harm his body. That the Lord would use this situation and all of us in the cancer ward in a mighty way. Well, I need to get to work as this is my busy time. God Bless and thank you for your prayers.

Bill Lower"Thank you all for your prayers and support,

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Proverbs 3:5

Why do we have to make it so hard for oursleves?

I know that God will take care of us, but yet the minute adversity sets in we always tend to lean on our own understading. Something that God tells us in Proverbs 3:5 not to do "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding". Most followers of Christ know this verse by heart, but yet how often do we actually apply it to our lives.

For me, what I find amazing is all through my life I've seen God's hand at work. Even in the darkest times I know He's been there with me. In those dark times He has always come through, never once failed me. But yet, to this day, I still tend to lean on my own understanding at first. The pain and heart ache I could save myself if I just learned to totally trust Him, I mean totally.

God grant me the wisdom to totally trust you... and NOT TO LEAN ON MY OWN UNDERSTANDING!!

Bless you all,

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Update for 08/09/2007

WoW!!! I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted anything here... shame on me.
Let's see... God continues to meet my families needs... that is the biggest and best update any man could hope for. God is so true to His word.
I've found through the trials of my life, that God always comes through. He may not come through in the way you want or expect, but He always comes through. Another thing I have found is God knows what we need more than we know ourselves.
Usually the things we think we need will interfere in one way or another with our relationship with Him... Now-a-days that doesn't take much. We are hit from all sides, all day long. Keeping our thoughts away from Him who loves us the most. Think about it, how much time in the day do you spend with your heavenly Father? 30 minutes! 1 hour, maybe 2. The rest of the day is filled with distractions. We will spend more time in front of the TV than we do with God. We spend more time on our cell phones talking about who knows what than we do with God. Don't get me wrong, I'm preaching to myself here as well.
What I'm getting at here is how close can you get to someone if you only spend 1 hour a day with that person. Sure, over time you'll have some kind of idea who that person is, but you will never truly know them. People! God wants you to truly know him. He wants an intimate relationship with you. Gods greatest desire is that you desire Him. He loves us so much, and He wants to show us this love. But He can't help you do that by spending such a small part of your day with Him. We live in such a faced paced society, and I'm as guilty as the next guy. I'm going to try to spend allot more time in my day with God... how about you. After all, He gave all for me, it's the very least I can do.

God bless you all. Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Minister of the Lord,