Saturday, June 26, 2010


Greetings all, sorry for the delay in posting here. Work has been really busy and I've been putting way to many hours in there. I'm so thankful to have a job, but the long hours take away from my ministry. I keep praying that God will open a door in my life that will allow me to not only support my family but also focus more on His work at hand.

I was sitting here this evening reading His word and something hit me. Something I've not felt in some time. God took me back a number of years to a time in my life when He was truly my friend. I'm referring to a time in my life when I was driving trucks over the road. When I was out on the road by myself for weeks at a time. I know it's an old saying, but at that time in my life, God was truly my co-pilot. Since I spent hours alone in the cab of that truck, the only person I had to talk to all that time was the Lord. I can remember His presence, His love, His care as I traveled down the highways.

God showed me this for a reason. You see, I have forgotten how much God loves our company. I don't think there is much else in this world that brings more joy to God's heart than our friendship with Him. I don't mean a mental friendship, I'm talking one on one, personal, heart to heart friendship that He longs for with us. Why else would He send His son to suffer on the cross for us if He did not long for us to long for Him.

My friends, I'm 51 years of age, and I can not remember a time when God was not a part of my life in some way. Now the times that God was my friend, those times are far and few between. That is all going to change, and you are my witness. I want to spend what years I have left here in this world as close to God as I can get. I can remember the Lord being with me from my earliest childhood memories. I know He will be with me as I take my last breath in this world.

Please allow God to become more personal in your life. That is what He wants, and to prove this love He allowed His Son to be hung on a cross and die for you and I. would you do that for Him.

May God bless and keep you all.