Things here at Anchor Holds Ministries are moving fast. I just received an email from our lead pastor in Kampala, Uganda. They are moving forward in faith and building an orphanage and school there. We have 7 pastors there in the region and they are all working together to build His church up and see the love of Christ shared with all the people there. This new building is not free, they need $700.00 for the 20,000.00 bricks it will take to build orphanage and school. I know $700 does not sound like much, but remember the exchange rate 700 US Dollar = 2,016,000 Uganda Shillins. We will be posting pictures very soon of the project... the pictures will be on our Africa missions website at
Please keep us in your prayers. If you feel God leading you towards helping out financially, you can contribute online from our websites and You can also send a check or Money Order to our mailing address listed on those same sites. Like we always say here at Anchor Holds Ministries, don't just go to church... be the church.
May God bless you all and keep you safe and well.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Update on Brittany 9/30/2010
The family has wanted to keep everything that has been going on private, so I've not been posting anything about Brittany's progress... until now.
Brittany is already home and doing amazing. She still has lots of therapy to go through, but she is expected to make a full recovery. From where this all started, to where she is now is nothing short of a miracle. I've heard some say it was the doctors, others have said, it was Brittany's love of life and amazing spirit that has been the driving force behind her amazing recovery. Maybe it was a little of everything. But for me, this kind of healing only comes from one source... Our Creator. Thank you Lord for the miraculous healing of Brittany... truly amazing.
Blessings to you all
Brittany is already home and doing amazing. She still has lots of therapy to go through, but she is expected to make a full recovery. From where this all started, to where she is now is nothing short of a miracle. I've heard some say it was the doctors, others have said, it was Brittany's love of life and amazing spirit that has been the driving force behind her amazing recovery. Maybe it was a little of everything. But for me, this kind of healing only comes from one source... Our Creator. Thank you Lord for the miraculous healing of Brittany... truly amazing.
Blessings to you all
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Please pray
My niece was in a horrible motorcycle accident last night 08/29/2011... she is in really bad shape. Her name is Brittany and she could really use our prayers. There was another young woman riding on the back with her that needs our prayers as well. I'm trying to get her name... thank you for your help. May God bless you...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Africa update
I just received a letter from our lead pastor in Uganda. Pastor Isaac is a true man of God, and loves all people with the love of Christ. Pastor Isaac has great vision for his country and all of Africa. I know that the hand of God is on this young man. Please take a moment to read his letter below. As you will see, they can really use our help. If you feel lead to help... you can donate online at our main website for Africa
Mailing address is..
Anchor Holds Ministries
7400 S. State St #4303
Midvale, Utah 84047
Thank you and may God bless and keep you always. Here is his letter...
Praise God pastor Tim,
Greetings from the ministries here in Uganda. Your partnership and strong heart toward Africa has empowered us and even in the hardest time you have be more than willingly to stand with us . you are not all very rich But i thank god that even the little you have , you have be able to share with us. Your open heart to help and support the ministries here is unforgettable and it will live forever. Allow me now to introduced to you what we have named the Anchor Hold Master Plan for the minister growth and developed .
CHURCH BUILDING , We as leaders here have agreed that in the coming month of November & December are know for rainfall, so our members in the remote area/ villages will dig the soils that will be used in the next year to make bricks . we want by may next year2012 to have all the needed bricks so as to up grade our churches especially those in poor situation.
PASTOR'S HOUSE , it is very true that most of our pastors in the villages are staying in the huts we as the Anchor Hold we want to put end to this and we have argued the the flock & even i may self will go there in the November for 1 week to start the program of making bricks such that as we build the house of God the pastors too may be built . i know it requires money but by faith will have them build we will only buy cement & the irohsheets . but this will take us some 4years to be done with it.
FIGHTING POVERTY FROM THE FLOCK, as the apostle Paul said the the acts 20 to feed the flock We will next year start to buy the improved& quick maturing seed with the little money we have to give the to our sheep in the village so as to improve on the production as most of them are substance farmers who only grow for food and the little surplus is sold off . we think that by doing this their standard of living will be lifted up . it will be the work of the pastors over there monitor these. Pr.Tim , our people are very people and i think this will work out.
Still more on this Anchor Hold ministries will also have hire the land and grow some crops by doing so it will be alive example to our people to fight poverty and also get or increase the funds for the ministries still it will be employing the very people to do the work , because commercial farming here can yield a lot of money if the need equipments & seed are used.
MEDICAL OUT REACH. in Africa and the third world at large there is poor healthy facilities and few people have access to it, We have this plan also to reach out people through this & our leaders have been crying for this . as we cloth the people through CAP, we need this i personally i do not how we should do it but the good Lord will give us power & wisdom it . do not fear this , because the master plan is not filled in one year but it takes time so we have decided to plan for this.
ACQUIRING LAND. most of our churches are renting part from the 2 which have got the land , the least are landless only scatters but we believe God and we have confidence that it will come to pass " before God we will do "
lastly is the schools, this the only door to reach to the children and the parents as well . God bless you. Nsanja Isaac Anchor Hold ministries Uganda.
Mailing address is..
Anchor Holds Ministries
7400 S. State St #4303
Midvale, Utah 84047
Thank you and may God bless and keep you always. Here is his letter...
Praise God pastor Tim,
Greetings from the ministries here in Uganda. Your partnership and strong heart toward Africa has empowered us and even in the hardest time you have be more than willingly to stand with us . you are not all very rich But i thank god that even the little you have , you have be able to share with us. Your open heart to help and support the ministries here is unforgettable and it will live forever. Allow me now to introduced to you what we have named the Anchor Hold Master Plan for the minister growth and developed .
CHURCH BUILDING , We as leaders here have agreed that in the coming month of November & December are know for rainfall, so our members in the remote area/ villages will dig the soils that will be used in the next year to make bricks . we want by may next year2012 to have all the needed bricks so as to up grade our churches especially those in poor situation.
PASTOR'S HOUSE , it is very true that most of our pastors in the villages are staying in the huts we as the Anchor Hold we want to put end to this and we have argued the the flock & even i may self will go there in the November for 1 week to start the program of making bricks such that as we build the house of God the pastors too may be built . i know it requires money but by faith will have them build we will only buy cement & the irohsheets . but this will take us some 4years to be done with it.
FIGHTING POVERTY FROM THE FLOCK, as the apostle Paul said the the acts 20 to feed the flock We will next year start to buy the improved& quick maturing seed with the little money we have to give the to our sheep in the village so as to improve on the production as most of them are substance farmers who only grow for food and the little surplus is sold off . we think that by doing this their standard of living will be lifted up . it will be the work of the pastors over there monitor these. Pr.Tim , our people are very people and i think this will work out.
Still more on this Anchor Hold ministries will also have hire the land and grow some crops by doing so it will be alive example to our people to fight poverty and also get or increase the funds for the ministries still it will be employing the very people to do the work , because commercial farming here can yield a lot of money if the need equipments & seed are used.
MEDICAL OUT REACH. in Africa and the third world at large there is poor healthy facilities and few people have access to it, We have this plan also to reach out people through this & our leaders have been crying for this . as we cloth the people through CAP, we need this i personally i do not how we should do it but the good Lord will give us power & wisdom it . do not fear this , because the master plan is not filled in one year but it takes time so we have decided to plan for this.
ACQUIRING LAND. most of our churches are renting part from the 2 which have got the land , the least are landless only scatters but we believe God and we have confidence that it will come to pass " before God we will do "
lastly is the schools, this the only door to reach to the children and the parents as well . God bless you. Nsanja Isaac Anchor Hold ministries Uganda.
Jesus Christ,
the hole in our gospel,
Friday, July 08, 2011
Into the sunset
Today was the last launch of our space shuttle missions. As I watched the launch I couldn't help but think back over the 50 years of my life at all the success and failures of our space program. No matter what happened, success or failure, the true American spirit always shown through in the end. Even though today was the last launch, it's not the end of Americans in space. We will continue to go into space, but for now we will be hitching rides into space with the Russians. That just seems a little strange to me.
We've learned allot from our space program, but more important, was what the space program meant to America. Space exploration embodied the American spirit. Just like the opening dialogue from the original Star Trek TV show... “To boldly go where no man has gone before” . That was us, the American people. An adventurous spirit that couldn't be tamed.
We've learned allot from our space program, but more important, was what the space program meant to America. Space exploration embodied the American spirit. Just like the opening dialogue from the original Star Trek TV show... “To boldly go where no man has gone before” . That was us, the American people. An adventurous spirit that couldn't be tamed.
Granted the space program had a very high price to keep running. You always had the argument that with three quarters of the earths population living on less than $3.00 a day, the money could have been used for something better. That may be true, but I think what the space program gave us in return was so much more than what money could by. The space program inspired generations of kids who all grew up to become scientist, and its those scientists who have discovered and created some amazing things.
I would be writing for a couple of days if I included everything... but here are a few...
As you can see, some pretty amazing technology. I'm sure we will be back in space again one day soon. But for now, we will be hitching a ride to get there.
A little more of the America I knew has disappeared into the sunset.
Thank you NASA for the imagination inspiring missions you took us all on.
Thank you NASA for the imagination inspiring missions you took us all on.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Legislating the poor
“Friend, you cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. And what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody. And when half of the people get the idea they don’t have to work because the other half’s going to take care of them, and when the other half get the idea it does no good to work because somebody’s going to get what I work for. That, dear friend, is about the end of any nation.” -Adrian Rogers
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
New Day
Think about it... when you woke up this morning, you woke up to a brand new day. Yesterday is dead and gone. You can't change what happened yesterday. If it was a good day, treasure the memories... if it was a bad day, put it all behind you, learn from your mistakes and move on. So take this new day by the horns and ride it for all you can get.
Remember to tell those you love, how much you love them. Help someone along the way... I say this because it's not only what God wants us to do, but in recent years science has proven we are wired to help others. We are our brothers keeper !!
May God bless and keep you always
Remember to tell those you love, how much you love them. Help someone along the way... I say this because it's not only what God wants us to do, but in recent years science has proven we are wired to help others. We are our brothers keeper !!
May God bless and keep you always
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Would you die for a lie?
Think about it… would you die for a lie? I know the majority of people are looking for physical evidence to confirm their faith… That is not what faith is about. For me God is not about physical evidence (although that evidence is all around), it’s about what I know. I know God is real… it’s like what they say… I know what I know. Scripture calls this “His spirit indwelling in us”.
As technology has increased and our access to information is now instant, we no longer listen to our hearts. With that change, humans are living less on faith, and more on self. You take the human heart out of the equation and you lose compassion. There is no such thing as a Christian without compassion.
We have to find a way to continue to make our experiences real. Watching a video online of homeless man sleeping in the gutter has far less impact on us than if we meet this person on the street.
We have to find a way to continue to make our experiences real. Watching a video online of homeless man sleeping in the gutter has far less impact on us than if we meet this person on the street.
That’s why it is so important for churches to reach out in their communities. Send out individual groups to meet and talk to those who are not as fortunate. If you are a member of a church that has no community outreach, I challenge you to find another church that lives out the gospel message, not just talk about it.
The majority of the apostles died a martyr’s death. Not only did they die for their faith, but the way they died. Some of the most inhuman ways to die were they subjected to. Think about this, if you were nailed to a cross, upside down, and given the chance to live if you only confessed that Jesus was a lie and renounced your faith. You are not going to die for a lie, let along the kind of death these men were subjected to.
Just some thoughts… Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Blessings to you all.
Just some thoughts… Hope everyone has a great Sunday. Blessings to you all.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Greetings!! Just wanted to take a moment and let you know I'm back... I will be posting more soon.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
To all my family and friends I want to wish you a wonderful Easter. I was thinking about the empty tomb and how skeptics say there is no proof of Christ’s resurrection. There is plenty of proof; they’re just not looking in the right place. For me, I don’t need any proof, I know what I know and you can’t explain that. If I had to point to one thing it would be the apostles. After His Jesus death on the cross, the very same men who had just spent the pretty much every minute or every day with Christ for the last 3 years were not only mourning but in total fear for their own lives. They were all in hiding, waiting and watching, fearing to show their faces in public. After the resurrection, that all changed. No longer were these men afraid for their lives. They went out in public proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness. What changed them? You certainly are not going to freely give up your own life for a lie or a scam. What these men encountered that so radically changed their entire thought process and motivation was the risen Lord Himself.
Happy Easter! If you know the risen Lord, may this day be one of celebration and joy. If you don’t know Him, may the Holy Spirit shine His light of love and acceptance in your heart.
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Salvation Army,
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
New direction
After a lifetime of testing, trials and prayer, I’m moving forward and starting a church. The Lord planted this seed in me some time ago, and everything is coming together now according to His plan.
The vision the Lord has given me is one of the first century church.
We will be Christ centered, teaching straight from the word of God. We are a non-denominational church and welcome anyone.
Our model will be… "UP" (reaching up to God in worship and prayer)… "IN" (Serving one another and meeting the needs of the body) and "OUT" (Reaching out to the local community and abroad through our mission programs).
I will be updating our website over the next few days to include more information. For now we will be meeting at our house Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm starting April 13th.
Please keep us in your prayers. Anytime you try to expand the Kingdom of God you can expect great resistance from the enemy. Thank you and may God bless and keep you always.
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
the hole in our gospel,
world vision
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Greetings!!I recieved a letter from a group of students today from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. The students that sent the letter are lookiong for 120 bible donations. I've added the letter as a photo here so you can read it for yourselves.
You know what is so sad, these people are begging for bibles that they don't have, we have bibles just sitting around that we never read. What's wrong with this picture!!
If you can help in any way, that would be so awesome. If you want to send them direct to the students, let me know and I'll get you the information.
Thank you in advance... May God bless and keep you always,
You can email me at for more information and ways to help.
You can email me at for more information and ways to help.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Urgent help
I received an urgent message yesterday from our pastor in Kenya. His wife (Lydia) went to the hospital last night with stomach problems. She has had a growth in her stomach for some time now, but they have never had the money to have the growth removed. She was in great pain yesterday and went to the hospital. They have no money to have the surgery done, the hospital told them they will go ahead and remove the tumor for 12000 shillings ($150.00 US dollars). Pastor Barasa Moses has asked for help paying for the surgery. We have some extra to give, but not enough to cover it all. Any donation amount would be greatly appreciated. If you are not able to donate, then please lift Pastor Barasa and his wife Lydia up in prayer.
Thank you and God bless,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, March 14, 2011
Japan needs our help... BIG TIME !!
This last week the world witnessed the power of mother nature on an epic scale. Our brothers and sisters in Japan are suffering the effects of this devastation. World Vision has set up several ways for you to donate... you can text to give option (share this on your blog or Twitter): Text "4JAPAN" to "20222" to give a $10 donation, you can visit

Please take a few moments a day and pray for the country and the wonderful people of Japan. We have no idea what they are going through... Lord God please be with the rescuers, please guide their hands to those who need help the most.
Thank you and God bless,
Please take a few moments a day and pray for the country and the wonderful people of Japan. We have no idea what they are going through... Lord God please be with the rescuers, please guide their hands to those who need help the most.
Thank you and God bless,
Jesus Christ,
rescue me
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Help needed
Our ministry in Kampala, Uganda is in need of a small digital camera. Nothing fancy, doesn't need allot of megapixels. Just something to get some pictures on to promote the ministry there. Please drop me a line if you something cheap and no longer use. If you can help please drop me a line at
Thank you and God bless.
Thank you and God bless.
Monday, February 28, 2011
No one really wants to follow Christ do they? I mean think about it. A life of total self-abandonment. Forsaking all for Christ and the Kingdom of God. Caring more about others than yourself. Literally giving all you earn to the poor and trusting in God to meet all your needs. Boldly sharing the gospel with everyone you meet, even if it costs you your life.
Mark 8:34-38, Matthew 16:24-27, Luke 9:23
“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”
During the time of Christ, the cross was the symbol of a tortuous death, not the view of the cross we have today, this cherished symbol of atonement. Christ always talked about the cost of following him. I don’t take the verse as being literal, meaning to take up the cross and physically die, although if you truly follow Christ that may be the ultimate price you pay. I believe Christ is talking about dying to self in order to truly live.
One of my all time favorite scriptures gives the perfect example of what Christ is talking about.
John 12:24 “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds”.
And that is the ultimate purpose isn’t it, to produce seeds.
Dying to ones self, that totally goes against everything we are as humans, especially in our super size me society. That makes the idea of self-denial all the harder. But the cost of following Christ is so worth it, so rewarding, not only in this life, but the one to follow. From what I witnessed when my son passed away, there is no doubt in my mind that there is an afterlife. That’s for another story.
Please don’t get me wrong, when I write these things, I’m writing to myself as well. Just things on my heart that I like to share.
And that is the ultimate purpose isn’t it, to produce seeds.
Dying to ones self, that totally goes against everything we are as humans, especially in our super size me society. That makes the idea of self-denial all the harder. But the cost of following Christ is so worth it, so rewarding, not only in this life, but the one to follow. From what I witnessed when my son passed away, there is no doubt in my mind that there is an afterlife. That’s for another story.
Please don’t get me wrong, when I write these things, I’m writing to myself as well. Just things on my heart that I like to share.
Blessings to you all,
Friday, January 21, 2011
Yard of hell
"Christ wants not nibblers of the possible but grabbers of the impossible. Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bells. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell" ~C.T. Studd
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Please read
Our dear pastor and friend in Uganda is asking for our help. He has exhausted all his financial resources serving the church and now faces eviction from his home. Follow this link to find out how you can help more...
Thank you and may God bless you,
Thank you and may God bless you,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
prayer request,
the hole in our gospel
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