Greetings friends, My wife came home the other night and shared something with me that I wanted to pass along.
Suzzanne (my wife) is a waitress at a local restaurant here in town. She deals with people day in and day out. The other night she came home very upset. She shared with me how she has a friend at work who is kind of in limbo in her spiritual walk. The young lady is not a follower of Christ. At this point in her life she is still looking for something to fill that void in her life (Christ is the only thing that will fill that void). That day the young lady was serving a table of four middle aged woman who at first seemed very friendly. When the young lady approached their table, she could here them talking about God and church. Here is where the story gets ugly, when the young server welcomed the four women, she was greeted with short, and rude answers to her questions about how they were doing, and what could she get them to start off with. Not once were these women nice to this young lady. They treated her lesser than themselves. The young server came back to my wife and told her what happened. The young server told my wife that if that’s the kind of God Christians serve, she wants no part of it.
Now my wife would have said something to the young woman about how that’s not the norm, but she couldn't. You see, this happens all the time there. People come in talking about church at God, then treating the wait staff and other people like crap. I can't tell you how many times my wife has come home so upset about how these so called Christians share their love of Christ with other people.
People, if you claim to be a Christian, then you better live it. Christians always run around wanting to know what their mission is... how to serve God. Well, your mission is to live like Christ, so that the rest of the world can see the love of God for His children. You don't realize that the minute you step out into the world, people are watching you. Our actions always speak louder than words. If you tell people one thing, and your actions tell them another, I guarantee that the people are going to believe your actions more than your words.
People, there is a cost if you choose to follow Christ; the cost is total servant hood. A life of sacrifice is our calling as Christians. We are to put others needs before our own. If your life blends in with the world, then you might want to go before the Lord and ask Him to search your heart. We are the light of the world; our lives should stand out before all mankind. When people see us, they should see Christ and His love for all mankind. Do you stand out in the world, or do you blend in.
In His love,
The way of the Cross
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