Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Prayer update for Billy
Greetings Everyone I know it has been a while since my last update on my Son Billy. Needless to say, all of our lives have been pretty much being in the hospital and waiting to go back. What I mean by that is that Billy treatment is every 9 days and in between the 9 days he has off , he goes back to the hospital twice at least for check ups and blood work or blood transfusions. Today we were back in for a Blood transfusion and for platelets. Billy has had a number of blood transfusions but today was the first time he needed platelets. As of today Billy has completed 8 hard chemo treatments with 6 more to do. He does go in for his 9th treatment if his counts are up and ready on Friday the Oct. 26. I would ask everyone to pray for the Lord to strengthen Billy as each treatment has become harder and harder. He has not bounced back as he had in the first few treatments. He is really vulnerable for infections. Chris and I have pretty much "locked Billy up" in his room to keep him away from people and sicknesses. He has not been to church in months but we do church at home. I can say that we as a family are tired. It has been real hard on my wife and I concerned for her. She is a strong women ,but she needs a break (prayer). I do stay with Billy while in the hospital on weekdays as my wife continues to work for the school district, but she still drives a hour up to see us and then drives home in the evening. Chris stays with Billy on weekends . No one (other than the Lord) can take care of their children like a mother. I do my best but God created mother with very special gifts. I do have some good news. We have only 6 treatments to go and after that our doctor tells us that Billy has a great future. He tells us he has a great prognosis. Also, out of his 6 treatments left 3 will be a hard 5 day treatment and 3 will be a mild 2 day. He will no longer have to do the 48 hour "Doxio" chemo. We thank the Lord for this as he was blistering on his hands and feet from the our his chemo. I have to say that Billy still has a positive outlook and is upbeat. He still likes to pick on his mother, but we have noticed changes in his personality. He has sudden "outburst" which is not like him at all. We talk to his doctor about this and he told us it is not only the Medicine but all the stress from all that he has gone through. But I want to let you all know I believe he has endured and handled this cancer/treatment better than I would have. I am so proud of him. He is a strong young man and I pray that the Lord would use this situation to grow Billy close to Him and to use his sickness to help others. Speaking of others, We have met some wonderful people up in Syracuse. The doctors/nurses are now family. I never knew how hard all these in this profession worked. Not only is the work hard but so stressful too. And then all the children and parents we have met. Every time we leave the cancer ward we leave half our hearts there. When we go up for check ups we go and check up on our friends. I want to all to know that Leon that we all prayed for is cancer free. He is home and is doing well. I want to thank you all for your prayers and Give God all the Glory. I have seen many miracles in the last 6 months. Many the doctors cant explain but I can. Please add Robbie, Jonathan and Chandra to your prayers. They are 5, 6 and 7 and are some of the strongest kids I have ever met. Bobby Ostsman 16 is doing much better , After almost loosing his leg after surgery he is doing well but still has some cancer left. He has 11 more treatments before he is finished. Bobby and his Mom are followers of Jesus Christ so we have become close over the last few months. Well I hope I have not taken too much of your time but It has been a while and I want everyone to know how we are doing. We are holding on to Gods word "That He will never leave us or forsake us" and I can tell you he has not. It is so true When we are weak then we are strong. I have never been stronger in my faith. He has been so faithful to us and I have seen so many prayers answered. Yes our life is hard and out of our control, but we know he is in control and we are thankful for that. I could not even imagine going through all this with out the Lord. I do not know how people with no faith no belief do it.Chris and I and Billy and Mariah want to thank each one of you for your continued prayers for us all. We want to also thank our Church WHCC. West Hill has been to good to us. We have a special group of people there. All the men that have helped and all the Ladies that have cooked us food or have given us gifts. What a Honor to be your Pastor and more importantly your brother and friend in Christ. Someday when we are all together in Heaven We will have the need time to tell you how grateful we are for you and your prayers for us. It will take years I am sure, but I am looking forward to it in the future. May God Bless you.Bill Lower.
I talked to my brother on the phone just the other day, he sounded good, but I could tell he is very fatigued. Please lift them all up in prayer. God is real and working in this family’s life big time... thank you ALMIGHTY GOD!!Peace to you all... and may the good Lord keep you safe and well.Tim
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday Oct 23rd 2007
Today was a busy day. I had two extra loads of mail to take out. They tell me as the holidays approach, this will only get worse... crazy kind of worse. The job is not that hard, but the hours are taking its toll on me. I'm taking tomorrow off. I need the day off to work on one of the surveillance jobs I have going. I'm also taking the day off to spend with the family. Suzzanne (my wife) has the day off, we don't see much of each other anymore. I never wanted to get to the point in my life where all I did is work... and look where I am. What do you do though, you gotta have the money to live and support your family. Oh well... enough bitching!!
I did see Transformers the movie over the weekend (for the 2nd time). Really entertaining!! Lots of action, with a really good story line. Suzzanne watched it, and she loved it. She usually does not like those kinds of movies, but she did this one. My son (Roscoe) and I had seen it when the movie came out in the theaters. This was one of those must see movies in the theater... crazy graphics.
I did have the chance to minister to a fellow co-worker today. She is a follower of Christ, but only for about 7 months now. Prior to that she knew about the Lord, and went to church on Sundays... kept the pews warm as they say, but she never made a commitment until this last year. She is truly a Godly woman. She had lots of questions for me, and I answered them the best I could. She is hungry for God, so good to see.
I also talked to my brother in Ithaca, NY. He is a pastor at a local church there. His life is really going crazy right now. He is the one with the son who is dealing with cancer. He is going through chemo right now and has about 6 treatments left. They have to travel to another town that is over an hour away. My brother also owns his own business... so he is being pulled from many different directions. Please lift his family up in prayer... for not only healing of their young son Billy, but that God would give the family the strength to get through all of this.
Enough for now.... Peace to you all. May God keep you safe and well,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Be careful what you pray for
I know it's been a while since I last posted anything... I'm sorry. The title of this blog is "Be careful what you pray for". I titled the blog that for this reason... As you all know, if you follow my blog, I was out of work for about 4 months. Well, I prayed, you prayed and many others from other postings I have that I would find a job. Well I did, or rather God found one for me. Now, I have more work than I can handle (Thank you God!!!). Things are getting better... big time!! One big help is our room mate. He is staying with us while recovering from an illness. He is better now, and working some again. He has a friend in the church who loaned him $1200.00 to help us get caught back up with rent. I want to publicly thank Doug and his friend for their friendship and faithfulness. Without their help we would be homeless!I'm working allot of hours, I mean allot!! So I don't have the time to spend that I would like writing here or other places. I will post when I can.
One last thing, our friend Doug has an older sister who just had a heart attack this morning. Her name is Barbara Pinkston. If you would lift her up in prayer, ask God to heal her. She has survived the attack so far, but she still is in the intensive care unit and has a long road of recovery ahead of her.
I hope and pray that you are all doing well. May God bless you and keep you safe and well.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I want to take a moment and share with you all what God has done for me this day.
As allot of you know, I've been unemployed now for about 4 months. This last month I made an attempt to start a business with a good friend of mine, but nothing ever took off. Everything was coming down to the wire, rent was over due, utilities were coming up, water was due. Things were not going in our favor at all. Despite sending what must have been a hundred resumes out, I wasn't even getting a nibble on a job. I have to be honest with you, I was beginning to wonder if God had forgotten me. Even with all of your prayers, my families prayers and my prayers, I was not getting any kind of an answer. No other time in my life have I felt so alone in the desert. We've all been there, but this time was the longest for me, and the darkest. But, God being the faithful God that He is, has provided me with a job (Thank you oh merciful God). Last night I got a call from a dear friend who knew of our struggles. She was talking with her sister, and her sister informed her of a position that her husband knew of. The job is with a local trucking contractor who has a contract with the US Postal Service taking bulk mail from one location to another. Not that much driving really. The farthest point I drive to is like 40 miles away. You go between locations all day. Pay is almost twice as much as I was making at my previous job (thank you oh merciful God). I called the guy last night after I got off the phone with my friend. The guy was super nice and was really in need of some good help. He warned me that the hours were different from a 9 to 5 gig. I told him I didn't care what they were. So we met today over lunch (he paid... way cool ), and everything went well. We seemed to hit it off great. So he gave me all the papers to fill out. I have to go get finger printed at the Sheriffs office in the morning, that's no big deal. If I get all that into him tomorrow, I will be starting like on Friday...
Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!Thank you Jesus!!
Dear friends, this has been the most trying time in my life. I know we go through these experiences for a reason, usually for the Potters Hand to remove more of us, to expose more of His Son... Jesus Christ. I just wish it wasn't so painful... LOL.
Anyway, I wanted to share with you this wonderful thing that God has done for me. I want to praise and acknowledge Him for everything He does in my life. Even the painful things, I know He does out of love.
Thank you all for being my friends. I wish I could meet you all and give you a BIG BEAR HUG!! Your friend and brother,
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Prayer request

Below is an email I received from my brother in Ithaca, NY. His 15 year old son is still battling cancer. He has begun chemo treatments, and Billy (that's the young mans name) could really use your prayers. So could the entire family. My brother William is the pastor of a local church there, and every since he took over the church he and his family have been under serious attack from the enemy. Like I always remind people, once you truly give your life over to Christ, all of hell is against you.
"Hello Everyone
This is going to a short update/prayer request for Billy. Billy is already in the hospital having his 4 th chemo treatment. Only 10 more to go. He was to start his treatment today Thur, But his blood counts were at a level that wanted to start asap. So Christina and Billy went up early yesterday morning and started his treatment. I went up last night and he was doing Ok. He did get sick about a hour after his treatment ,but his attitude is so good he makes it easier for Chris and I . Please prayer that the cancer will never return to his body and that the treatment will do exactly what it is designed to do and not harm his body. That the Lord would use this situation and all of us in the cancer ward in a mighty way. Well, I need to get to work as this is my busy time. God Bless and thank you for your prayers.
Bill Lower"Thank you all for your prayers and support,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Proverbs 3:5

I know that God will take care of us, but yet the minute adversity sets in we always tend to lean on our own understading. Something that God tells us in Proverbs 3:5 not to do "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding". Most followers of Christ know this verse by heart, but yet how often do we actually apply it to our lives.
For me, what I find amazing is all through my life I've seen God's hand at work. Even in the darkest times I know He's been there with me. In those dark times He has always come through, never once failed me. But yet, to this day, I still tend to lean on my own understanding at first. The pain and heart ache I could save myself if I just learned to totally trust Him, I mean totally.
God grant me the wisdom to totally trust you... and NOT TO LEAN ON MY OWN UNDERSTANDING!!
Bless you all,
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Update for 08/09/2007

Let's see... God continues to meet my families needs... that is the biggest and best update any man could hope for. God is so true to His word.
I've found through the trials of my life, that God always comes through. He may not come through in the way you want or expect, but He always comes through. Another thing I have found is God knows what we need more than we know ourselves.
Usually the things we think we need will interfere in one way or another with our relationship with Him... Now-a-days that doesn't take much. We are hit from all sides, all day long. Keeping our thoughts away from Him who loves us the most. Think about it, how much time in the day do you spend with your heavenly Father? 30 minutes! 1 hour, maybe 2. The rest of the day is filled with distractions. We will spend more time in front of the TV than we do with God. We spend more time on our cell phones talking about who knows what than we do with God. Don't get me wrong, I'm preaching to myself here as well.
What I'm getting at here is how close can you get to someone if you only spend 1 hour a day with that person. Sure, over time you'll have some kind of idea who that person is, but you will never truly know them. People! God wants you to truly know him. He wants an intimate relationship with you. Gods greatest desire is that you desire Him. He loves us so much, and He wants to show us this love. But He can't help you do that by spending such a small part of your day with Him. We live in such a faced paced society, and I'm as guilty as the next guy. I'm going to try to spend allot more time in my day with God... how about you. After all, He gave all for me, it's the very least I can do.
God bless you all. Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Minister of the Lord,
Saturday, July 28, 2007
God is so gooooooooood !!!!

I come today with good news. I guess yesterday was my “totally in the bottom of the pit day”. I guess, like most times in our lives, we have to reach the bottom before we actually let go of things and let God work His wonder.
I got an email last night from my old boss and good friend Jack. He asked me to stop his shop today. So I went down there this morning. Turns out Jack had been thinking about expanding his business to include digital surveillance systems. So he asked me to be a partner in that business. How cool is that (Thank you dear God, Lord of heaven and earth). Jack owns a computer repair shop; he has been at the same location for 10 years now. He wants to set up a surveillance system in each of his shops, he owns two stores. He also wants me to build a website for Computer Pros, but also include the digital surveillance information. That’s the good news in the nut shell. The bigger news is that God is so good. He never leaves us or forsakes us, just as His word says. The longer I live (thank you for that as well Lord), the more I see His word come to pass in my own life. I can also tell you, the more of your own life you give over to Him; the more He can use you for His glory.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. You can see for your own eyes that they worked, and God answered your prayers and mine.
God bless you, may He keep you safe and well.Love,
"See, Mother, I make all things new."
The Passion
Friday, July 27, 2007
No hope
My family and I would like to thank you for all of your prayers and support. Unfortunatly, for what ever reason, God has refused to answer every ones prayers. As of Monday our electricity will be turned off, then about 2 weeks later we will be evected... with no where to go.
Again, I want to thank you all.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Prayer for a dear friend
If you would, please lift up in prayer another dear friend of mine who has been hospitalized for the last month. His name is Doug Hopkins. He was hospitalized with a very high fever one evening. The doctors know the high fever is from some kind of infection some where in Doug's body. The fever has also caused some problems with his liver function. Doug is a dear man who loves the Lord with all of his heart. Please keep him in your prayers.
Thank you, and God bless you and yours,
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Feeling pretty useless
All I know is the pressure this is causing my family is getting to the unbearable point. My wife is working as much as she can. Our son has given us money to help (God bless him). But when a man is unable to support his family like he should, you really start to question yourself, and life in general. I have been avoiding one option that no one wants me to do including myself, and that's go back to truck driving. Don't get me wrong, that's a great profession with some really great people working in it. I just don't want to be gone on the road all the time. The pay is pretty good, great benefits for sure. I don't know, it's the last thing I want to do, but how long can we survive like this.
So another Sunday is coming to an end.
Thanks for listening. God bless you and yours,
Friday, July 20, 2007
Trying something new
I'm using Windows Live Writer to create this blog post. I'm going to be trying different things with it, so hang in there with me.
I wanted to share this video with you. It's all about the ONE campaign to end the world poverty.
Hoping you all have a wonderful day. Peace to you and yours,
The Anchor Holds Ministries
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Life update

Just a quick life update.
Over the last few weeks I had been working for a friend who told me that if I help him run his company, he would make me part owner. Well I did that, busted my ass for the guy for 3 weeks. He helped me with rent last month, but since then the pay has been small and far between. Well I started putting some numbers together with the jobs we had already done and were working, and the profit margin was allot higher than what he was saying. I wanted to know this since that was how I was supposed to be paid, a percentage of the profits. I confronted him with the numbers, and he told me that this partnership wasn't going to work. I should have known better. I've known the guy long enough to know that he is not very honest. But I thought that I was his friend, and he would not screw me over. Sometimes it does not pay being a nice guy. So here I am, without a job again.
If you could, please keep me in your prayers that I'll find employment. I hope and pray that you all are doing well.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Prayer request

Greetings Brothers and Sisters
I would like to ask for prayer for our son Billy as we will be leaving to go for another treatment of Chemo tomorrow morning(7-13-07). This one will be a different treatment than the last one, which was 48 hours of continuous chemo.This treatment we will be for 5 days of treatment ,but will be for 2 or 3 hours a day. Please be in Prayer for Billy as we do not know how this treatment will affect him. His body is cancer free since the Surgery ,but his treatment is to make sure it will not come back. It will be for 1 year. Billy will alternate treatment. Treatment will be 3 days in hospital (48 hours of chemo) then 3 weeks to recover, then 5 days in the hospital (chemo every day) then 3 weeks to recover. This will be his life for the next year. Please pray that the Lord would keep him strong and healthy to endure this year.
Billy's Spirit is great , he has done very well the last 2 weeks after his first treatment. He was sick for 4 or 5 days after he got home, but the last 2 weeks have been real good. All his blood work have been real good. He is eating very good. Billy lost all his hair last Saturday. That bothered him for a few days , but he is learning to deal with it.
I want to let you know that Billy still has the best attitude and his outlook is very positive. I am still shocked that this is my Son as his outlook before he had cancer was not so positive. Also, please pray for all the children in (7H) the cancer ward. One of the hardest things for myself and our family is meeting families and children that are up there. I would like to mention Leon Koster 12 years old and Logan Abbey 4 years that are just a few to pray for. Also Marcus Williams and Domnick Busco . Some of these families are followers of Christ and some are not. Please pray that the Lord would open doors for us to share the Gospel with some of these families. That we would be used in a mighty way for Gods glory and to be a beacon of his light to the lost.
As for Myself, My wife Chris and our Daughter Mariah, Please Pray for strength. This is the busiest time of the year for me and I am having a tough time balancing my heavy work load with my business, and the time I spend on my sermons and doing my duties at West Hill Community Church , and trying to take care of Billy's needs. I am feeling the pressure, but I know the Lord will carry me when I do not have the strength to do it on my own, but it is still very hard.
Please pray for my wife Chris. She will not leave Billy's side as he goes to the Hospital. She stays with him the entire time, and she sleeps beside him at night. The chair that folds out into a bed is not the most comfortable bed. She gets real tired while she is there so please lift her up every day while she is up there. It is hard for a mother to see her child so sick and having to endure a difficult treatment.
As for Billy's Sister Mariah, She is 13 and has done a great job of taking care of her brother. She has devoted herself to helping Billy get well. She not only is at his beckon call, but she is there praying with him. She is a great Sister and this illness has made Billy and Mariah very close. I am concerned Mariah is not getting the attention she needs. Please pray for her as her brothers illness puts a lot of pressure on her. She is unable to do many things that she used to doing, because we have to spend so much time at the Hospital or taking care of her brother. She does not complain at all but I know it must be hard being 13 and not able to do what teenagers do.
Well, I want to thank each one of you for your prayers. It is such a blessing to have Brothers and Sisters praying for us and our Sons needs. Our family 100% believes Billy will be Healed. We know that our road has a bend in it for the next year or so. We also know this has and will continue to draw us closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will always give Him all the Honor and Glory for what he does for us. Please email any questions or concerns you have and I will gladly respond as soon as I can.
Thank you all. I will keep you posted on his treatment.
God Bless
Pastor Bill
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Praise report
Just wanted to take a moment and give praise to the most high!! No, I don't have a job yet, I don't have this month rent, many bills are overdue, but I am of good cheer. You see, I serve an AWESOME GOD!!! He has given my wife and I a peace about all of like we have never experienced before. We have not one ounce of worry about where rent is going to come from, or if I'm going to find a job. He has filled our hearts with such peace and confidence, confidence that He is going to take care of us.
I know allot of this is because of your prayers. My wife and I want to thank you all. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to include my family in your thoughts and prayers.
I heard a comment on the radio this morning about how God never lets us go. He never lets us go because He is holding onto our hands, not us holding onto His hands.
May God bless you all for your faithfulness,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Life update

Just posting an update here as to what’s going on in my life. As of today, after 2 months here is Savannah, I still do not have a job. I am helping a friend who is starting a new business, but the money coming in from that is very little and far apart. Although, if the company takes off, the money would be great. My problem is I don't think we can wait it out for this to happen. The other option I have is going back to driving trucks. This is something I used to do years ago, but have long given up my CDL. So I would have to go to a school to get my CDL again. The money is good, and the benefits are really good, but you have to be gone for 2, 3 and sometimes 4 weeks at a time. This would be a huge burden on the family, but not having a job is an even bigger burden on us all. I feel like I'm in limbo, and I hate that feeling.
If you could, keep me in your prayers for direction.
I hope and pray that you all are doing well.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
My nephew
Well the roller coaster continues. After Billy (My 15 year old nephew) had the tumor removed from his stomach, the doctors felt confident that they had removed all the cancer.
After removing the tumor, the doctors continued to run more tests.My brother called me tonight with some disturbing news. Billy has bone cancer. He will start 40 months of chemotherapy tomorrow.
Please lift Billy up in prayerthat the Lord will heal him completely. Also continue to lift Billy's family up for strength and God's peace through all of this.
I pray that God will keep you and yours safe and well. You can write the family at I know they would love to hear from you.
No job
My family and I really felt God calling us back here, and I'm sure His will well be revealed, and His glory will shine through. But in the mean time, I'm struggling to try and be faithful and wait on Him.
Please keep me in your prayers as we wait on Him. Thank you for listening.
Peace to you all,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Look!! Up in the sky !!
You are in your car driving home. Thoughts wonder to the game you want to see or meal you want to eat, when suddenly a sound unlike any you've ever heard fills the air. The sound is high above you. A trumpet? A choir? A choir of trumpets? You don't know, but you want to know. So you pull over, get out of your car, and look up. As you do, you see you aren't the only curious one. The roadside has become a parking lot. Car doors are open, and people are staring at the sky. Shoppers are racing out of the grocery store. The Little League baseball game across the street has come to a halt. Players and parents are searching the clouds. And what they see, and what you see, has never before been seen.
As if the sky were a curtain, the drapes of the atmosphere part. A brilliant light spills onto the earth There are no shadows. None. From whence came the light begins to tumble a river of color spiking crystals of every hue ever seen and a million more never seen. Riding on the flow is an endless fleet of angels. They pass through the curtains one myriad at a time, until they occupy every square inch of the sky North. South. East. West. Thousands of silvery wings rise and fall in unison,and over the sound of the trumpets, you can hear the cherubim and seraphim chanting, Holy, holy, holy. The final flank of angels is followed by twenty-four silver- bearded elders and a multitude of souls who join the angels in worship.
Presently the movement stops and the trumpets are silent, leaving only the triumphant triplet: Holy, holy, holy. Between each word is a pause. With each word, a profound reverence. You hear your voice join in the chorus. You don't know why you say the words, but you know you must. Suddenly, the heavens are quiet. All is quiet. The angels turn, you turn, the entire world turns and there He is..... Jesus. Through waves of light you see the silhouetted figure of Christ the King. He is atop a great stallion, and the stallion is atop a billowing cloud. He opens his mouth, and you are surrounded by his declaration: I am the Alpha and the Omega. The angels bow their heads. The elders remove their crowns. And before you is a Figure so consuming that you know, instantly you know:
Nothing else matters. Forget stock markets and school reports. Sales meetings and football games. Nothing is newsworthy.. All that mattered, matters no more.... for Christ has come.
This morning when the Lord opened a window to Heaven, he saw me, and he asked: My child, what is your greatest wish for today? I responded:’ Lord please; take care of the person who is reading this message, their family and their special friends. They deserve it and I love them very much'
The love of God is like the ocean, you can see its beginnings but Not its end.
I don't know about you, but I can't wait for that day!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Fathers Day
My wife had bought a bracelet back in the 70's with the inscription of a soldier who was missing in action at the time. His name was "FREDERICK J FORTNER". We later found out that he was killed in action. My wife has kept that bracelet all these years. We have always wanted to visit the Memorial in DC, but have never had the opportunity. So we thought this would be a good chance to pay our respects since we didn't know how soon we would be able to actually visit the real Memorial.
When we arrived at the park where the Wall was set up, there were already allot of people there. We went right up to the Wall when we got there and tried to find Fredericks name, but we had no idea how to find it. There was a booth set up on site where they would help you find the persons name and location on the Wall. Once we had that, we went back to the Wall and found LCDR Frederick J. Fortner's name.
As we drove home I thought about all the names on that Wall, and how that is only a scratch of the lives lost for our freedoms. Then I also thought about how it's Fathers Day, and all the families across America who are without their husbands and fathers because of some war. So for me, today is Fathers Day, but it's also Memorial Day.
It is my prayer this day that the creator of the universe, the God of all things be with the soldiers this and everyday. Guiding them, protecting them, putting His loving arms around them and their loved ones in these uncertain times.
Happy Fathers Day!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Young William update
Below is an email I got from my dear brother concerning his son Billy. In this email you will see God's power come shinning through for this family. Please take the time to read through it all.
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
This is amazing and wonderful news. God truly performed a miracle in this family's life. Wow! I was blown away by the power of almighty God when I read this email. Thank you Jesus. This family stood on the Word of God, and His glory shinned through.
Peace to you all,
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Billy update
I have an update from my dear brother in NY who's son was waiting for test results concerning the lump they found in Billy's stomach. I've posted his email below here. in blue.
Dear Bros.
I just want to let you know we got preliminary results today on our Son Billy. He has Some type of Lymphoma.It is definitely cancer. The Doctors have not gotten all the results but want to operate on Morning early. We do not know what to do. Please pray that we make the right decision. We are searching to get more opinions. We know our Lord is strong enough to get us through this. I will keep you all updated. Thanks for your continued prayers.
John 11:4
When he heard this, Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it."
This is our prayer.
Bill Lower
(Pastor WHCC)
Please lift this family up in prayer. The young mans name who is now battling cancer is Billy Lower. We are standing firm on the word that Bill (The father) received from the Lord.
Thank you for taking the time to lift this family up.
Blessings to you all,Tim
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Up and down
I have some good news, and some not so good news. Good news is I sold my first digital surveillance system today. Not a big sale, but a start. I want to take this moment and give all the glory to God. I have been praying that a job or a sale from my business would come through, and God has provided, as He always does. I want to thank those of you have included us in your prayers. I am still praying for more work, even if it's in the form of a full time job. I would prefer that my business would start to grow more and more, but that is in the Lord's hands. I'm just thankful that He always meets our needs. Thank you God, thank you.
On the down side, I'm pasteing an email that my dear brother in N.Y. sent me today. This is in reguards to his son, and the lump they found in his stomach. No news really, but the way he makes it sound, it's not good either. Please keep them in your prayers.
(((( Dear Prayer Warriors
I am sorry to say we have no information as of yet. We called the Lab today to see what was going on. We were told the biopsy was sent to CA and would take another day or so or by early next week. I can tell you that we are concerned but we know the Lord is in control. Please continue to pray for Billy, he is taking everything well, but I have noticed he is more tired. He has been such a strong young man and I so proud to be his father. We have been praying and he is comforted by this. We do have a Doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. I will fill you all in on that tomorrow night if there is any news. Thank you all for your prayers I want to tell each of you that they can be felt. We could not get through this without our Lord and all the prayers. We know God is in control and we are going to trust him in this situation.
In Christ.
Bill Lower
(WHCC), Ithaca NY )))))
Thank you all. Peace to you and yours,
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Start of a new week
Just a quick update…I still don't have a job, but last week I was able to work for my dear friend Jack. Unfortunately, his father has taken ill. His father will need surgery this coming week, tomorrow in fact. So I will be working one more day, then another friend who normally works at his shop will be back to take over. So I'll be unemployed again. If you could, keep us in prayer for a job for me, or some kind of direction. I know God brought us back to Savannah for a reason, every since getting here we have been under attack from the enemy. I do have a praise report... we were able to pay rent on time, even with me not having a job... thank you God!!
My brother in upstate N.Y. will be finding out the results of the biopsies on Monday (tomorrow). They took some samples from the lump that is in their 15 year old sons belly. I'm told he has a lump there the size of a golf ball. Please keep in prayer about that, lift the young man up to our Father in heaven, pray that this is nothing. You can read a little more about him by going to my site My brother is also under attack, every since he agreed to become the pastor of his church, he has been attacked from all sides. Anytime your living for the Lord, and trying to do anything to further His kingdom, all of hell is against you.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. May God keep you all safe and well.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Prayer Request
Things here in Savannah are going well. The Lord lead us to a wonderful home here that we have moved into. My wife has already found a job, in fact its the same place she worked at before. I thought I would be working more with my old boss as well, but for what ever reason God has, that has not worked out so well. So I am in prayer about that. I know God will lead me in the right direction, I just need to keep the faith.
I got a troubling call from my dear brother in upstate NY over the weekend. He told me his son Billy had found a lump in his stomach. Billy is 15 years old and has Christ living in his heart. Please lift up this young man of Christ in prayer. Pray that this lump is nothing, and that through all of this, God's glory will be revealed.
Thank you for your prayers. Peace to you all,
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hope everyone is doing well... We are getting good and settled here in Savannah. Things are coming together great. We are staying with good friend here who has opened his home up to us for as long as we need. We are looking for a place to rent first, that way we can take our time looking for a place to buy. God's hand has been in all of this... sometimes we get a little impatient for things to happen faster, but we always step back and say "Let go, and let God".
I'm going into the Savannah Rescue Mission next week to volunteer, so we'll see where that goes. This is something that the Lord is leading me to big time. I want to make myself more open and available to His calling everyday. God has brought us back here for a reason... so here I am Lord... Help me empty myself more and more... so that you can fill me with your Spirit more and more.
May God keep you all safe and well.
Your brother,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Latest from March 18th 2007
Greetings all,
Wow! I did not realize how much time has past since I last wrote in here. Been kinda busy though, getting ready to move and all. We pick up the moving truck on the 26th of this month, load the truck up on the same day, then pull out early the next morning. The trip should take about 2 and half days if all goes well.
I'm glad we are moving this time of the year, that way we can get used to the Savannah heat slowly.
I have one more week at my job, kinda sad about it. I've made some really great friends there. I've never been very comfortable working for big companies, so impersonal. This was the biggest company I have ever worked for (HP). I have to say, for a big company they try to keep it more personal, not so much just a number. My experience with them has been very positive.Hope your life is going well. Until next time may the living God keep you and yours safe and well.
Peace out,Tim
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Personal update
I just wanted to take a moment and share a couple of things that are going on in my life right now. I guess the biggest news is we are moving back to Savannah Georgia at the end of March here. We currently live in Colorado Springs. Don't get me wrong, this is a really nice town, but for our taste its a little to big. We have been here 17 months, and we've just never really settled in. I have prayed about this allot, and I believe that we were brought here for several reasons. The biggest one… being spiritual growth. God has really shown me the direction He has for me in my life. It's now up to me to be obedient and follow through with His will. The direction I need to take has to do with teaching the Word, not sure yet if that is in a pastoral manner or what. Once settled again, I'm going to be pursuing an education in Christian counseling. That is one area I know the Lord wants me in. As always when serving the living God, you must be flexible... so I remain flexible through all of this. In preparation for the move, we are having a garage sale this weekend. My wife already has things sorted out for the garage sale. We have allot more stuff than I realized. Amazing what you can gather in 17 short months. Hope to go see the movie "Amazing Grace" this weekend... looks really inspiring. We saw "The Astronaut Farmer" last weekend. That was better than I thought it was going to be. Good family movie, I'd recommend it to anyone.
Ok, that’s enough for today. Hope your all doing well. I pray that God will keep you all safe and well.
Peace out!!Tim
Spiritual cancer
In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurable superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that, and therefore know yourself as nothing in comparison… you do not know God at all. As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and of course, as long as your looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.
That raises a terrible question. How is it that people who are quite obviously eaten up with pride can say they believe in God and appear to themselves very religious? I am afraid it means they are worshipping an imaginary God.
C.S. Lewis
Sunday, March 04, 2007
70 year old poem
First dentistry was painless;
Then bicycles were chainless
And carriages were horseless
And may laws, enforceless.
Next, cookery was fireless,
Telegraphy was wireless,
Cigars were nicotineless
And coffee, caffeinless.
Soon oranges were seedless,
The putting green was weedless,
The college boy hatless,
The proper diet, fatless.
Now motor roads are dustless,
The latest steel is rustless,
Our tennis courts are sodless,
Our new religions, godless.
This really shows how mans heart will never change without Jesus Christ living in him.
Peace to you my brothers and sisters,
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Christain blog list
I recently signed up with Rick Warrens blog listing. There are a ton of blog links on this page >> GO HERE <<>
Peace to you all,
Friday, February 16, 2007
My sheep hear my voice
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
An Indian was walking in downtown New York City alongside a resident friend. As they approached a busy street corner in the center of Manhattan, the Indian seized his friend's arm and whispered, "Wait. I hear a cricket." "Come on!", the city boy sneered, "This is downtown New York -- how could you possibly hear a cricket?" His friend persisted however, "No - seriously, I do!"
As cars were roaring, horns honking, people shouting, brakes screeching, cash registers clanging, subway clamoring and people bustling about, the Indian began leading his friend along slowly, every now and again stopping and turning his ear toward the seemingly noiseless sound. At last, the Indian insisted they were near and proceeded to follow the sound across the street and toward a small dark corner next to a graffiti covered wall. There, he bent down to a miniscule tuft of grass and pulled out the cricket. "I told, you", he said, "I heard a cricket."
Astounded, the New Yorker marveled "How could you have heard that cricket in the middle of all this noise?" "Well", said his foreign friend, "My ears are different from yours. It simply depends on what you're listening to. Here, let me show you what I mean." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change --a couple of quarters, three or four nickels, and a dime and a few pennies. "Now," he said, "watch this." He held the coins waist high and dropped them to the sidewalk. At once, every head within nearly a block turned around and looked in the direction of the Indian.
"You see, It all depends on what you're listening to."
To what sounds are our ears trained to listen? Are they trained to hear the sound of money, of gossip, of complaining, of worldly things or are they trained to hear the still small voice of the Most High, directing and advising us in the way we should go?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
New movie
This is an inspiring story based on a legendary historical British Member of Parliament, William Wilberforce. During the late 18th century and early 19th century, a very young Wilberforce is elected to Parliament and over the course of several decades leads the fight to ban slavery.
Wilberforce, who, as a Member of Parliament, navigated the world of 18th Century backroom politics to end the slave trade in the British Empire. Albert Finney plays John Newton, a confidante of Wilberforce who inspires him to pursue a life of service to humanity. Benedict Cumberbatch is William Pitt the Younger, England's youngest ever Prime Minister at the age of 24, who encourages his friend Wilberforce to take up the fight to outlaw slavery and supports him in his struggles in Parliament.
Be sure and watch the movie trailer on the site.
Peace to you all,
Happy Valentines Day
Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May God's peace fill your heart this day...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Follow me
The word DISCIPLE is used 262 times in the New Testament.
The word is "mathetes", the basic root meaning is to be a learner, but it has much more content than that. The lexicons tell us that it means "one who shares a close and intimate relationship with a person." Leon Dafur in his wonderful study of the New Testament language says "The disciple is one who at Jesus’ call follows after Him. He must observe the will of God and even binding upon himself unreservedly to the person of Jesus, go as far as death and
the gift of his life out of love,"
Discipleship is more than just being a learner, being an intimate follower, having an intimate relationship, following to the point where you would go as far as death out of love. There's no question about the fact that the only message Jesus ever proclaimed was a message of discipleship.
The call that Jesus gave was a call to follow Him, a call to submission, a call to obedience. It was never a plea to make some kind of momentary decision to acquire forgiveness, peace, heaven and then go on living anyway you wanted. The invitations of Jesus to the lost were always direct calls to a costly commitment. In a country where the divorce rate is over 50%, how can anyone make that kind of commitment to follow Christ.
Luke 13:24 Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
Matthew 7:13 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.7:14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
I truly believe that many people are going to be in for a shock when they stand before the Lord. This really pains my heart, and I think this is where a lot of my anxiousness comes from in my heart. People need to hear the truth, and not the watered down version they are hearing in Americas churches (not all churches, there are many teaching the hard truth). I know that His spirit is moving, and He will not let His people live a double life for long. Those He loves, He also disciplines.
Peace to you all!Tim