Today was a busy day. I had two extra loads of mail to take out. They tell me as the holidays approach, this will only get worse... crazy kind of worse. The job is not that hard, but the hours are taking its toll on me. I'm taking tomorrow off. I need the day off to work on one of the surveillance jobs I have going. I'm also taking the day off to spend with the family. Suzzanne (my wife) has the day off, we don't see much of each other anymore. I never wanted to get to the point in my life where all I did is work... and look where I am. What do you do though, you gotta have the money to live and support your family. Oh well... enough bitching!!
I did see Transformers the movie over the weekend (for the 2nd time). Really entertaining!! Lots of action, with a really good story line. Suzzanne watched it, and she loved it. She usually does not like those kinds of movies, but she did this one. My son (Roscoe) and I had seen it when the movie came out in the theaters. This was one of those must see movies in the theater... crazy graphics.
I did have the chance to minister to a fellow co-worker today. She is a follower of Christ, but only for about 7 months now. Prior to that she knew about the Lord, and went to church on Sundays... kept the pews warm as they say, but she never made a commitment until this last year. She is truly a Godly woman. She had lots of questions for me, and I answered them the best I could. She is hungry for God, so good to see.
I also talked to my brother in Ithaca, NY. He is a pastor at a local church there. His life is really going crazy right now. He is the one with the son who is dealing with cancer. He is going through chemo right now and has about 6 treatments left. They have to travel to another town that is over an hour away. My brother also owns his own business... so he is being pulled from many different directions. Please lift his family up in prayer... for not only healing of their young son Billy, but that God would give the family the strength to get through all of this.
Enough for now.... Peace to you all. May God keep you safe and well,
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