Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, Jan 21, 2010

Greetings !

I didn't realize so much time had gone by since my last posting. Well I think things are starting to look up for us. For one thing we did get the car back.. What a relief for everyone. Now I can get to work on time and my brother in law does not have to take me to the train and pick me up. What a burden we have been for them. They would never say anything, they have been so kind and supportive with us.. We will never be able thank them enough!

This last weekend we went house hunting... What a joke! The problem here in this area is the economy is not suffering like the rest of the country so no one is leaving here.. But there are allot of people moving here. So finding a place has been very discouraging. By Sunday evening we were deciding if we should stay or go. We were feeling like such a burden to my brother in laws family... We did not want to strain our relationship with them so we were seriously thinking about going back. Fortunately, that night my niece come by and suggested we take over their less since they were moving out on the first. Their apartments allow dogs up to 70 pounds. Its only a one bedroom, but since we don't own anything that will work out great. Only a few months left on the lease so if we didn't like it there that allows us to move if we want. Worked out for both parties bug time.

They also have some extra furniture that they are going to let us have like a bed and dinning room table. My father n law has an extra tv he is going to give us. I pray that God will bless these kind people for all their help.

This has been one of the most trying times in my life. I'll be honest, there have been times through all of this that I have wondered where God is. Not once have we gone hungry, we have had a roof over our head every night with a bed to sleep in, and we have been surrounded by loving and caring people... God has been with us big time. Thank you Lord !!

I'm typing this from my phone again and my big fingers r getting tired. I pray that His peace will fill your hearts. Never forget, no matter what is going on in your life... God is there!


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