Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

Greeting all,

I'm back! I finally got another computer and Internet access! I'll be on here allot more now.

Things are good. My job is going OK, although I am having issues with my boss on some simple basic needs that we need to run a business. I'll be meeting with him this coming week so we can clear the air on some of these things. The wife is really loving her new job, she actually seems happy again which I've not seen in some time. I know she still missed Savannah, but she knows that we could not make a living there and that is not a good thing.

We have been looking for another apartment. This one met our need at the time, but now things are different and we need something a little bigger and in a better neighborhood. We have found a couple of really nice ones. The only thing I don't like is how small the living rooms are. Some have great big bedrooms and the living rooms are tiny. Don't get that!

I've been studying the 2nd and 3rd chapter of the Book of Revelation. The two chapters focus on the 7 churches that Christ deals with. In reading about those churches the Spirit has really opened my eyes to some areas in my own life that I need to address. A lot of people stay away from Revelations because they think it's to hard to understand. These two chapters are very easy to read and understand. I'll be blogging more about it in coming weeks.

Good to be back and writing again. Hope this finds you all doing well.

May God keep you all safe and well,

2 comments: I go. said...

Thanks for the update Tim. It's always nice to hear good news.
Looking forward to you both finding a bigger place...I'm sure God has one waiting for you. He is the bearer of good gifts for his children.
Thanks for sharing.
Your friend..Jude

Disciple Tim said...

Hi there Judith,

Thanks for stopping by... Oh how He loves us!! Wonderful poem you wrote... you have a true heart for the Lord... His blessings upon your life.
