Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Aug 15, 2010


I'm not a happy camper today. I woke up at 10:00am this morning. I feel like my heard is in a fog when I sleep in that many hours... and I also feel like I've slept half my day away and I hate that feeling as well. Oh well, must have needed it. So I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee trying to clear my head and get my thoughts straight for the day.

Yesterday was a good day. I got my website ( set up with the html code to accept donations through Google. I still have to verify a couple of things but I'm hoping by tomorrow evening we can start accepting donations. My pastor friend in Uganda is planning a big revival in a near by town in November and we'd like to get him some bibles to pass out before then. Every time we talk that is his biggest request are bibles. There is a bible outreach right there in Uganda that can supply the bibles for about $2.00 each. Isaac (the pastor) is expecting between 1500 and 2000 people there. Please if you can help him out... just $2.00 will by one bible and that one bible could make all the difference to one persons life who would never be able to own a bible any other way than by someones generosity.

It is such a blessing to talk with people who live on less than $2.00 a day. I know at times in our lives because we experience a little money problems that we feel we are broke (speaking to myself as well)... but we have know idea. They rely on God for everything! I have never seen faith before like I do in these people. They literally live on the Word of God. Another thing that will blow you away about them is how happy they are. They laugh with a laugh that comes from deep in their spirit.

Anyway, I've rattled on enough this morning. If you get the chance, pray about helping get some bibles into the hands of Word starving people. If you feel the Spirit wanting you to help, you can email me ( or visit our website ( On our website you can visit the Ministries page and find out more about Pastor Isaac.

Thank you and may God bless and keep you always,
P.S. I'm working on starting up a monthly newsletter as well. I'll keep you posted about that as well.

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