Tuesday, April 21, 2009

On the road

I have just returned from Salt Lake Cit, Utah. This was my second trip out in search of employment. Prior to going out this time I had been in contact with the HR department of a pretty big financial institution concerning an IT position with their firm. I was scheduled for an interview on a Wednesday. I had a 50% off bus pass for Greyhound so I was able to go out there for about $80.00. Not bad considering it’s about a 2000 mile trip. The bus schedule had me arriving in Salt Lake one day before my interview. At this point everything seems to be coming together easily. The way it was all coming together I truly felt God’s hand was in it and that this is the direction He wanted me to go in. So I take the step.

The trip goes along as scheduled until we stop for about a 2 hour layover in St Louis, Mo. After the layover there, we head out on the bus. We get about 20 miles down the road and the bus breaks down. I wasn’t concerned at this point. I’ve always felt that everything happens for a reason. Like God’s and steering you in the directions He wants you to go. After about what turns out to be a 4 hours we are headed down that highway again. My next reconnecting bus is in Denver and there is only a one hour window to catch that connecting bus to Salt Lake City. I’m thinking to myself, well maybe the driver can make up a little time along the way. I start praying that the connecting bus is Denver is late or at least they will wait for us. Not a chance! My bus arrives in Denver 4 hours late. The bus to Salt Lake City… gone. The next bus to Salt Lake City was not going out until the next morning at 8:30am. This means I will not be able to make my scheduled interview.

The next day as we are traveling to Salt Lake City at one of the stops for a break I called the HR department and told them what had happened. I was informed that this was the last day of their interviewing process and if I didn’t make the appointment time that I would not be asked to come in another day, at least until they are hiring again.
I was pretty bummed out. I truly felt in my heart that God had placed this job in my lap for me to follow up on.
After a couple of hours of feeling sorry for myself I began to look more at the big picture. I thought, will maybe that wasn’t the job God had for me there, maybe that was just the bait to get me moving in the right direction.

I arrive in Salt Lake City about 24 hours from the time I was supposed to arrive. My brother in law was there at the bus station to pick me up. His wife and him had offered a place for me to stay while I was there looking for work. This was a very generous offer and I will forever be in there gratitude for allowing me to stay there.

I won’t bore you with the rest of the details of my trip, only the part about the trip that God used me for from the beginning.

It’s now 3 weeks later; I’m sitting in the bus station at Salt Lake City waiting for my scheduled departure time to go back to Savannah. As I’m sitting there, looking around at all the people I notice a young black man in his early 20’s (turned out to be 21) talking with some other men. Seemed they all kinda knew each the way they were joking around and talking. As they were talking I could hear the young man talking about how he was going home after failing a drivers test or something. I also heard him talking about this book called “The Secret”. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s about what the author calls one of the natural laws in our universe. This law has to do with magnetism, and how if you think the right way all of you’re hopes and desires will come true. This idea has been bought and sold down through the ages in so many different disguises it’s not funny. Anyway… moving along.

There were allot of people already in line for the bus heading east that I was going to be riding. So by the time I got on the bus it was packed. In fact there was only one seat left, the seat sitting next to that young man I told you about earlier. I stopped and looked down at him and asked if I could sit there, he nodded his head yes, and this is where the real story starts.

After a few miles down the road I introduced myself. He told me his name was Tony and that he was from West Virginia. I asked how he was doing; he said he had been better. I could tell that he was really troubled despite the outward appearance of being carefree he displayed in the bus station. He began to tell me how he had been accepted to attend this truck driving school there in Salt Lake. He said after 3 days of classroom study they had them all go down and take the commercial driving general knowledge test. After just a couple of days to study it’s pretty hard to pass this test. Tony failed the test along with about 3 other guys. So now he was on the bus with me and on his way home. After telling me this Tony began to really open up. His frustration with life to this point was all coming out. For the next 2 or 3 hours I was drilled with questions about life. His questions mainly pertained to why he has failed so much in life to this point, not matter how hard he tries. I could tell he had a good heart and was really searching for answers. I asked him where God was in his life. I figured that if he was reading books like “The Secret”, he must have wondered from the truth. He said he was raised a Christian but had not been to church in years. This is where I let go and let the Holy Spirit take over and drive. I was fortunate to have to very important books with me on the bus. The Bible of course being one, the other book I had with me is called “The Hole in our Gospel” by Richard Stearns. Richard Stearns is the president of World Vision. I don’t have enough paper to go into details about the book here. I can tell you that it is one amazing book that speaks the truth about the gospel that is being taught or not taught today.

Over the next 2 days I was able to share allot of scripture with Tony. I know it was only two days with this young man, but I truly believe God’s Spirit filled this young mans heart. On the last day of the trip that we were together a homeless man had got on the bus. He brought a big duffle bag on the bus with him that looked like it had all of his worldly possessions in it. At one point he pulled out a piece of cake that clearly had been taken from a trash can somewhere. Seeing the homeless man brought more questions from Tony about God and where God is in the homeless mans life. I’m so thankful that our Lord Jesus Christ was not afraid to hang out with people like the homeless man we saw. It sure makes it easy to be able to use Christ as the example on how to treat the less fortunate. As we were talking about this man at one point Tony even had to wipe a tear or two away. I knew at that point that HIS love was in Tony’s heart.

Before we parted ways we exchanged phone numbers and email addys. We hugged and said our goodbyes. As I watched Tony get on the bus I said a prayer for him. I prayed that what God had started in that young mans heart… He would finish. I have no doubt He well. His word promises that fact!

It’s been about 3 days since I’ve been home and today I got a call from Tony. I was so happy to hear from him. He told me that he had been reading both the Bible and the book I gave him (I gave him the book “The Hole in Our Gospel). In fact, he said his mother started reading it as well and loved it so far. He is still looking for a job, but he knows now that God is in control and has a purpose for his life. Thank you Lord !!

I know this has been a long one, but it’s something I felt important to share. If you are open to Gods will and purpose for your life… HE can use you anywhere. Look for the broken hearted… the lost… the confused… the seekers… the less fortunate. You’ll find them everywhere and they need to hear the good news. Plant the seed and let the Holy Spirit work His magic.

May God bless and keep you always,