Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday 08/23/09


Here it is Sunday and another week gone by and another one starting. Last week was a good week other than feeling a little under the weather most of the week with a cold, everything went well. I started working at a different school on Thursday and I'll be there tomorrow as well. Most of the schools only have one full time IT person and at the start of the school year that is in no way enough to get all the work done in time. Still hoping this turns in to a full time position, I probably won't know for sure until the end of next month.

Things at home are OK. Did get into a fight with the wife Saturday. Since she works nights I don't see her at all really until the weekend. So as the week is coming to a close I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with her. Now understand, our lives have been under allot of stress do to the fact that I've not had steady employment for a year. My wife does not handle money stress well at all. Even though I get paid this coming Friday my check will in no way cover all the bills. Anyway, so Saturday morning rolls around. I go in to wake her up and I'm in a great mood. Make a long story short, all she can talk about is money and what we're going to do. I tend to live more in the moment and thats always been one of our many conflicts. Needless to say that set the tone for the entire weekend. Pretty much ruined mine, if it had not been for a dear friend that cheered me up Saturday night, the weekend would have been a total shit storm.

I'm looking forward to the coming week. I have to say, if some things don't change in my life soon, I'll be making some serious changes. Life it to short for all the bullshit I have to deal with.

Peace out,

P.S. Football season is only a couple of weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go BOLTz!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

After 1 week

Wow!! Finally found the time to sit down and write a little something here. With the start of the new job and all I’ve been hard pressed to find some free time during the week. The job is awesome! Last week was pretty hard for me though. Most of what we did was set up new and existing computers in the classrooms including computer labs. Don’t ask me why, but they take all of the computers out of the classrooms for the summer. So we ended up moving about 1500 computers and monitors. About half of the monitors are still the old CRT (Tubes) models, 17 inch ones at that. So needless to say I was dragging ass the last part of the week. This next week will be more along the lines of setting up software on the systems, user management, printer setups, and things like that.

I’ve been told that I’ll only be sharing responsibilities between 4 schools and the IT directors there. School starts this Monday so all the kids will be back so I think our roll will be more along the line of support for the teachers. Really don’t matter to me… as long as they keep paying me.


Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm a workin man again !!

Yeah buddy !!! I'm a working man again. All of the paper work went through ok and I got the call about 4:00pm this afternoon... I start tomorrow morning at 8:30.

If you see a guy dancing in the streets tonight... it's me !!

Peace out,


Well I went to court this morning. I was totally prepared to tell the judge that my landlord was all in the right and that I did owe him the money. The judge never let things get that far. Seems since my landlord (who is a really good guy despite all of this) accepted partial rent from us for July, so he can't sue us for July. So the case was thrown out. Now our landlord must file all over again for the month of August since he won't take any money from us for August. So I'll be back in court in two weeks unless I we can reach some sort of agreement. We'll see.

I saw G.I. Joe over the weekend. I have to say that I really wasn't expecting much. After all they have stripped away everything that was and is the true G.I. Joe. But I went in with an opened mind. I was pleasantly surprised big time. None stop action from beginning to end. Good story... great action and effects. Even if you don't know much about the cartoons this movie is based on you'll still enjoy it... stands on it's on just fine.

I also finished up all the paper work for my new job over the weekend. I'll find out later today when I start for sure... Thank you God!!

Peace to you all,

Friday, August 07, 2009

Awesome News

Well after 11 months and 20 days I finally have a full time job again. On Tuesday of this week I went for an interview with the Beaufort South Carolina School District. I was being interviewed for one of 3 IT positions covering all the schools in the district. I had all the position requirements except for one, I didn’t have the A+ certificate they were looking for. For those of you who don’t know what that cert is for, it means that you know how to repair computers and such. Since I had over 6 years experience repairing computers and printers plus 2 more years on the Microsoft Help Desk support Microsoft employees I was hoping that my experience level would equal out having an A+ certificate.

I felt the interview went well, but the guy did keep bringing up the fact that I didn’t have an A+ cert. I figured if it was meant to be it would happen. Happy days!! I got the call this morning that they wanted to offer me one of the 3 open positions. All I have to do is fill out all the paper work. I still have to pass the background and drug test, but I already passed a background check for the USPS so I know that won’t be a problem. I haven’t touched drugs since I was 25, so I think I’m ok there… LOL. They want me to start work this coming Tuesday so I’ll probably take the drug test on Monday.

These last 11 months have been the hardest of my life. I know we all go through the ups and downs of life. But I was really beginning to think the pit I was falling in was never ending.
I’ll keep posting about all of this and more over the next few days.

Peace to you all,

Thursday, August 06, 2009

August 6 2009


Currently my life like the rest of the world is in disarray. I've been out of work for several months and my family life sucks as well. But is life has taught me anything, nothing stays the same. So I know brighter days lay ahead. One good thing on the horizon, it's almost time for the football season to start... and
Sons of Anarchy is coming back on in Sept.

I did go for a job interview yesterday for the Beaufort county school district. They are looking for 4 IT desktop support people. I think the interview went well. We are supposed to know for sure by this Friday. I've still been driving Limos for a good friend of mine, but there has not been much work. This is the slowest time of the year for them.

I watched
Rescue Me last night (love that show). This one was a good one... the scene at the end between Tommy and Sheila was freaking HOT! No sex or anything, just the way she was explaining her attraction to him was... WOW!! Doesn't hurt that she is one hot lady! If you've not seen the show, take a Tuesday evening and watch it... It's for sure one of the better shows on the tube. "Tube", lol... can't call them a tube anymore can we... tubes are long gone from TV sets.

Peace out!!