Monday, December 13, 2010

New pictures

Here are some pictures from our sister church in Uganda. These are from the crusades in Kayunga, Africa.

We also received a nice donation for some bibles for our congregation there... Thank you almighty God for all your doing there.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

John Lennon

Today December 8th 2010 is the 30th anniversary of John Lennon’s murder. I miss John Lennon! I know, I know, all you card carrying Christians are screaming foul right about now… but hear me out. Yes, John did not believe in a God in the same way we do. But there are allot of Christians out there who could learn a few things from John.  What made John so special? He was a doer! He saw a wrong and would do everything he could to make it right. Social injustice (which we in America are going to be experiencing more of), the rights of all mankind, the true cost of war and that love is really all you need.  Now granted, the love John spoke of was not the same as John 3:16, but a love never-the-less that put your own life above another’s… sound familiar.

We have many shining examples of doers just like John, George Clooney comes to mind. With all his riches and fame, he values the lives of those who are not able to take care of themselves more than his own. Bono is another, Bill and Malinda Gates are another. They use not only their money but the fame as well to bring the spotlight to a desperate need.

We may not have the money or the fame, but there is still so much we can do. God has given each of us a gift/talent for His glory. By helping our fellow man where ever he is and what ever condition he is in. we bring glory to the father in Jesus name. After all, Christ is our model, and He gave all for us, should we give any less for Him.


Friday, December 03, 2010

Churches in Canada Using Housing First Model | haRdLy NOrMal

This is an amazing story about a man and the local church community that has and continues to make a difference. Please share with others!

Churches in Canada Using Housing First Model | haRdLy NOrMal

Friday, November 26, 2010

Amazing show!

Greetings all,

Last night on CNN they had their annual "Heroes" show. Wow!! Some truly amazing and selfless people serving humanity. Here is one of the people who was up for the award.
Not that any of them want to be honored, but this show does present a great way for them to collect more donations for their cause. The nominees get $10,000.00 and the winner get's $100,000.00 for their cause.

Take a moment and watch the videos... you will be inspired and blessed.

God bless,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This Thanksgiving is a special one for me. After about 12 years of wondering, I’m finally back where I belong. The last 12 years of my life have been a real trial. The highs and lows were some of the most extreme I’ve ever experienced.  God stretched me, put me in the fires, rolled me in the dirt, and like the ant on the hill, put me under the magnified glass until I started smoking. All of His trials and testing’s left me feeling abounded by Him. At one point I even questioned His existence. All of this culminated in December 2009 when my family and I had to sell everything we owned, I mean everything. We left in our car with only our clothes and important papers. Thanks to some loving family members who opened up their home to us, we were able to move back from the place we had left 12 years earlier. I had a job waiting for me when we arrived, so after a couple of months we were able to get our own place.

The point I want to get to is, everything we went through was part of Gods plan. He had to bring us to a place of total submission. Causing us to depend on Him for everything, even where our next meal was going to come from. Looking back now, I would not change one thing. Everything we went through, God bringing us to that point of total dependence on Him has made me the man that I have longed to be. A servant of the Most High God.

So this Thanksgiving is truly my best one ever. Another one of the things I’m so thankful for is, after almost a year of praying and waiting on the Lord, the job that I have been praying for came through. You see the job that I did have was 50 miles away. The hours at work, the drive times, all left me drained at the end of the day. So I had little energy to focus on the ministry we started ( Starting this Monday I will be working for Apple Inc, and the best part is I’ll be working from home. Now I will have so much more time to focus on our ministry, thank you Lord God. I’m also so very thankful to be back home near family again. I’m thankful for our car and that it’s still running. We have just one car, and we’ve put a boat load of miles on it. Every day the car starts up and gets us where we need to be… Thank you Lord!

This last year has been an amazing one, and I’m so grateful that God put us through everything He did. I could not have become a man that He can use if were not for the trials we endured.

I encourage you; if you’re going through some tough times, hang in there. Remember, God is in control; He loves you and wants only the best for you. The sooner you let go of self, the better.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. May God bless and keep you always,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I know


Here is is, just a few days away from Thanksgiving Day. Sorry I've not been posting here much. The job that I have keeps me so busy and takes up so much of my time that by the time I get home I'm exhausted and don't really want to do anything but crash on the couch and rest. All that is about to change though. Last week I was hired by Apple Inc in a tech support role. The really cool part is I will be working from home. So I will have so much more time to work on our ministry and post some good blogs.

I'm hoping with the extra time that I'll now be able to hold some home bible studies. I have all the curriculum to do the six week study course on "The Hole in our Gospel". I think it's an amazing book that has so much to offer many Christians. I also want to spend more time at our local Rescue Mission... the number of homeless is growing everyday, and it's only going to get worse.

Keep up the good work. May God bless and keep you always.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What are you listening for?

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

An Indian was walking in downtown New York City alongside a resident friend. As they approached a busy street corner in the center of Manhattan, the Indian seized his friend's arm and whispered, "Wait. I hear a cricket." "Come on!", the city boy sneered, "This is downtown New York -- how could you possibly hear a cricket?" His friend persisted however, "No - seriously, I do!"

As cars were roaring, horns honking, people shouting, brakes screeching, cash registers clanging, subway clamoring and people bustling about, the Indian began leading his friend along slowly, every now and again stopping and turning his ear toward the seemingly noiseless sound. At last, the Indian insisted they were near and proceeded to follow the sound across the street and toward a small dark corner next to a graffiti covered wall. There, he bent down to a miniscule tuft of grass and pulled out the cricket. "I told, you", he said, "I heard a cricket."

Astounded, the New Yorker marveled "How could you have heard that cricket in the middle of all this noise?" "Well", said his foreign friend, "My ears are different from yours. It simply depends on what you're listening to. Here, let me show you what I mean." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change --a couple of quarters, three or four nickels, and a dime and a few pennies. "Now," he said, "watch this." He held the coins waist high and dropped them to the sidewalk. At once, every head within nearly a block turned around and looked in the direction of the Indian.

"You see, It all depends on what you're listening to."

To what sounds are our ears trained to listen? Are they trained to hear the sound of money, of gossip, of complaining, of worldly things or are they trained to hear the still small voice of the Most High, directing and advising us in the way we should go?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Help keep them warm

The weather here today has taken a definite turn for the colder. With that, we need to remember the less fortunate in our communities, especially in the northern states where winter months can be brutal. With that, let's all go through our closets and dresser drawers to find the clothes we no longer need or wear. This winter will see more homeless in our country than ever before. Lets be Christ like and help take care of the less fortunate. Contact your local mission and find out ways you can help... and don't forget the warm clothes.

May God bless and keep you always,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Invisible People

I wanted to share an amazing website with you. It's called In "Invisible People". Founder Mark Horvath is doing an amazing job bringing the flight of the homeless to the forefront. The numbers Mark presents are staggering, but what is worse is that these numbers are only going to get worse... allot worse.

Please take a moment and browse their website. maybe post the sites information in your Facebook, Myspace or Twitter pages.

Thank you and God bless,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our plans

"I believe the Western church is generally in the same condition as Martha. You know the truths about God’s Word in your head, but you still like to run your own lives. Like Martha, many Christians cry out, “Lord, if you had just done things according to our plans, we would never have ended up in such a mess.”

Friend, you need to realize that God is not at all interested in your plans. He is only interested in His plans! So many churches and individual believers think they should make their own plans and strategies, then ask God to bless them.

The almighty God is not our servant! He does not do what we tell Him to do.Many Christians need to climb down from the throne they have built for themselves, fall on their faces before God and do whatever the Master tells them to do."

From “Living Water” by Brother Yun

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


I am a warrior in the army of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct. Faith, Prayer, and the Word are my weapons of Warfare. I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity, and tested by fire. I am a volunteer in this army, and I am enlisted for eternity. I will either retire in this Army or die in this Army; but, I will not get out, sell out, be talked out, or pushed out. I am faithful, reliable, capable, and dependable. If my God needs me, I am there. I am a warrior. I am not a baby. I do not need to be pampered, petted, primed up, pumped up, picked up, or pepped up. I am a warrior. No one has to call me, remind me, write me, visit me, entice me, or lure me. I am a warrior. I am not a wimp. I am in place, saluting my King, obeying His orders, praising His name, and building His kingdom! No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards, candy, or give me handouts. I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for, or catered to. I am committed. I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around. I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside. I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit. When Jesus called me into this Army, I had nothing. If I end up with nothing, I will still come out even. I will win. My God will supply all my needs. I am more than a conqueror. I will always triumph. I can do all things through Christ. Devils cannot defeat me. People cannot disillusion me. Weather cannot weary me. Sickness cannot stop me. Battles cannot beat me. Money cannot buy me. Governments cannot silence me, and hell cannot handle me! I am a warrior. Even death cannot destroy me. For when my Commander calls me from this battlefield, He will promote me to a captain. I am a warrior, in the Army; I’m marching, and claiming victory. I will not give up. I will not turn around. I am a warrior, marching Heaven bound. There are four kinds of soldiers: 1. Active Duty: Serving the Lord faithfully, daily, and on duty 24-7-365.2. Reserve Status: Serving only when called upon, or twice a year: Christmas and Easter.3. Guard Status: Backing up the Active Duty group.4. AWOL! Absent With Out the Lord. Which kind are you?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

So true

“Friend, you cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. And what one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody. And when half of the people get the idea they don’t have to work because the other half’s going to take care of them, and when the other half get the idea it does no good to work because somebody’s going to get what I work for. That, dear friend, is about the end of any nation.” -Adrian Rogers

Island First Nation Shocked By Shooting

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Cross and the Towers Trailer

If you ever get the chance see this movie... truly an amazing story of hope in the midst of hell.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Sept 8, 2010

I normally try and stay away from criticizing how or what other pastors/teachers are preaching or teaching. But this week pastor Terry Jones has crossed the line. If you don't know, pastor Jones is planning on burning copies of the Quran, the Islamic holy book. Now it's bad enough that this man claims to be a Christian, but if he follows through with his promise he will be placing thousand of American lives in danger... he will be literally stirring up a hornets nest. The repercussions from this act of ignorance will go on for a long time... and lives are going to be lost.

Please know that this man in no way represents Jesus Christ and His church. Matthew 7:15,16 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them."

God bless,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A day in the life: Important

A day in the life: Important: "Greetings all, I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that the donation links on our website ( is w..."


Greetings all,

I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that the donation links on our website ( is working now. I set it up through Google Checkout. I went with Google because for non-profit organizations they do not charge any fees to process credit cards. Also, Google is probably the most secure out of all the ones I researched.

As you know or may not know, we are taking donations to help get bibles to people who would otherwise not be able to own one. We have been working with a pastor Isaac in Kampala, Uganda. Pastor Isaac has such a wonderful heart, and he is a true servant of God. Pastor Isaac has planted several churches there in Uganda and that is where their main need is. The churches that he has planted are growing daily and they do not have the funds (remember, these people live on less than two dollars a day and less) to purchase the word of God for all the new believers.We have also been contacted by Pastor Canny O. Canice in Gbagada Lagos, Nigeriawho is experiencing the same growth and is in desperate need of bibles as well.

We can purchase bibles for about $2.00 each, so even a small donation will go a long way. The bible says in John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The bible truly is the word of God... living, breathing, giving life to all who will open their heart. I have talked with Pastor Isaac on the phone, and I can't tell you what it would mean to the people there to have their own bibles.

So take some time to pray about this and see if this is something that the Lord would have you participate in. Anchor Holds ministries

makes all of its financials available up request.

Thank you for taking the time to read this posting. I know how busy everyone is and I truly appreciate it.
May God bless and keep you always,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday Aug 19th 2010


Wow, this has been a very strange week. I really can't put my finger on it. It all started on Monday, we were crazy busy at work and I ended up working most of the day by myself. I worked from 6:30am till almost 7:30 at night. Tuesday I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. With that, I've not felt myself all week really. I truly think its an attack from the dark side. I'm asking for your prayers concerning this attack. The enemy knows when I'm tired and weak that I'm more susceptible to sin. Please keep me in your prayers... I need all the help I can get.

I'll have a couple of good blogs to post over the weekend so check back soon.

May God bless and keep you always,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday !!!!

Ahhhhh !!! It's Monday!! Thank u Lord for granting me another day here. May I bring you glory today.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Aug 15, 2010


I'm not a happy camper today. I woke up at 10:00am this morning. I feel like my heard is in a fog when I sleep in that many hours... and I also feel like I've slept half my day away and I hate that feeling as well. Oh well, must have needed it. So I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee trying to clear my head and get my thoughts straight for the day.

Yesterday was a good day. I got my website ( set up with the html code to accept donations through Google. I still have to verify a couple of things but I'm hoping by tomorrow evening we can start accepting donations. My pastor friend in Uganda is planning a big revival in a near by town in November and we'd like to get him some bibles to pass out before then. Every time we talk that is his biggest request are bibles. There is a bible outreach right there in Uganda that can supply the bibles for about $2.00 each. Isaac (the pastor) is expecting between 1500 and 2000 people there. Please if you can help him out... just $2.00 will by one bible and that one bible could make all the difference to one persons life who would never be able to own a bible any other way than by someones generosity.

It is such a blessing to talk with people who live on less than $2.00 a day. I know at times in our lives because we experience a little money problems that we feel we are broke (speaking to myself as well)... but we have know idea. They rely on God for everything! I have never seen faith before like I do in these people. They literally live on the Word of God. Another thing that will blow you away about them is how happy they are. They laugh with a laugh that comes from deep in their spirit.

Anyway, I've rattled on enough this morning. If you get the chance, pray about helping get some bibles into the hands of Word starving people. If you feel the Spirit wanting you to help, you can email me ( or visit our website ( On our website you can visit the Ministries page and find out more about Pastor Isaac.

Thank you and may God bless and keep you always,
P.S. I'm working on starting up a monthly newsletter as well. I'll keep you posted about that as well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Its up to us

"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering and injustice when He could do something about it."
"Well, why don't you ask Him?"
"Because I'm afraid He would ask me the same question."

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Wrestling with God


Well I’m finally through! I can no longer do it… I can no longer wrestle with God. You see for years now I’ve been on the outside looking in. From the time I was 12 years of age when my friends and I would go see the movie Jesus Christ Superstar, I’ve known what my calling in life was, but thanks to the lie, I’ve followed through with my calling till now. I do have one huge sin that I have to confess to though. You see, for most of my life I have allowed Satan to convince me that I was not good enough to be a pastor/teacher. So I’ve always been on the outside looking in. Even though I know the truth, that Christ paid the price for my sins, I still felt the “not worthy” thing (I know... I know... none of us are worthy). But over the last couple of years, the tugging at my heart, the desires of my heart to serve God have all been magnified 100 times over. The best way to describe the last couple of years has been “I’ve been wrestling with God”. I’ll tell you what; you’ll truly know when you are wrestling with Him… I’ve never been so tired emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. I had to surrender all, He will not stop, and He is relentless in His pursuit. God will never force you to do something, but He is sure to make His will known.

I already have a website ( from where I share things about Christ and what He expects from us. My site also helps promote other Christian sites and followers of Christ and the ministries they have. After some time of serious prayer I will start a small home bible study group. From there, that is all up to the Lord.

One of the reasons I have been so reluctant all these years is I didn’t think anyone would come to a church that I started. I’ve felt for years now that the true message Christ taught has been watered down. But there is a movement in the Spirit building and more and more people are hungry for the real truth. It is all coming together in God’s timeline.

Please keep me in your prayers and the direction God would have me go. May God bless and keep you always.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interesting facts

6.7 billion people in the world, is that not crazy. To give you a better understanding of how the population breaks down picture the world’s population as just 100 people.

Out of 100 people:

60 would be Asian
14 would be African
12 would be European
8 would be Latin American
5 would be American or Canadian
1 would be South Pacific
51 would be male; 49 would be female
82 would be non-white; 18 white
67 would be non-Christian; 33 would be Christian

Now let’s take a look at the financial break down of the population.
Living on less than $2.00 a day… 2.6 billion people (40 percent of the population)
Living on less than $1.00 a day… 1 billion people (15 percent of the population)
Americans live on average $105.00 per day… 0.3 billion people (4.5 percent of the population).

Today we have approx 1,125 billionaires; they hold more than half of the world’s wealth. The chasm between the rich and the poor is bigger than ever. This has not always been the case. In 1820, the gap between the richest and poorest countries was about four to one. In 1913, it was eleven to one, and in 1950, it was thirty five to one. By 2002 that gap was at seventy five to one.
Sure makes you appreciate living in America. Also helps us see the need for more Christian intervention throughout the world. If you feel God’s calling in your life to help in some way, please do not hesitate in that calling. If you’re not sure where to start, may I suggest a great book to help point you in the right direction. It’s called “The Hole in our Gospel” by Richard Stearns. Mr. Stearns is the president and CEO of “World Vision”. He has had the chance to see the true suffering in our world firsthand. If you are serious about living out the message of Christ, this is a great place to start.

God bless,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sat July 24th 2010

Greetings all,

Well made it through another week (Thank you Lord). Today is Saturday the 24th and it’s a really big day here in Utah. For those of you who don't know, the 24th here is called “Pioneer Days”. It all has to do with the pioneers who settled Utah, yes, they were Mormons. Pioneer Days is huge here, even bigger than like the 4th of July. If the 24th lands during the work week you get the day off... pretty crazy. Utahans are big into their history here and do all they can to make sure it’s not forgotten.

This week at work was ok. Started off really busy then died off. I think mainly due to the holiday. I have not been online much as a late. By the time I get home I’m pretty beat. Last week Facebook hit the 500 million user mark… how crazy is that? I’m glad Facebook is around though. It’s allowed me to get in contact with some long last family members and friends. Plus stay current with the latest news and developments. I’ve met some really wonderful people on there. I’ve become really good friends with a pastor from Uganda Africa. I’ve added some information about his ministry on my website ( so if you get a chance check that out. He is a really awesome guy who loves serving the Lord. His contact information is there as well. They can always use an extra dollar or two. It really doesn’t take much, the exchange rate there to the dollar is 2,000. So a little goes a long way.

I received some disturbing news this last week. In fact it was from FB that I found out. A dear sweet young mother that we have known since she was about 10 posted that she was going through some tests for cancer. Soon as I get more information I’ll be posting that so we can get as many people as possible praying for her. We take life so for granted, and that is the wrong way to live for sure. Be sure and tell the ones you love how much they mean to you… the chance may never come again. I’ve lost a son, both parents and grandparents, and I can tell you the biggest regrets in my life are not telling them how much I loved them.

That’s all this time around. I try to keep these short, I know people’s attention spans have gotten shorter and shorter.

May God bless and keep you always,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't think to highly of yourself

"I had a prof one time... He said, 'Class, you will forget almost everything I will teach you in here, so please remember this: that God spoke to Balaam through his ass, and He has been speaking through asses ever since. So, if God should choose to speak through you, you need not think too highly of yourself."
-Rich Mullins

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Paul Washer sermon jam 1

Christianity is not about

"Christianity is not about building an absolutely secure little niche in the world where you can live with your perfect little wife and your perfect little children in your beautiful little house where you have no gays or minority groups anywhere near you. Christianity is about learning to love like Jesus loved and Jesus loved the poor and Jesus loved the broken."
— Rich Mullins

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Greetings all, sorry for the delay in posting here. Work has been really busy and I've been putting way to many hours in there. I'm so thankful to have a job, but the long hours take away from my ministry. I keep praying that God will open a door in my life that will allow me to not only support my family but also focus more on His work at hand.

I was sitting here this evening reading His word and something hit me. Something I've not felt in some time. God took me back a number of years to a time in my life when He was truly my friend. I'm referring to a time in my life when I was driving trucks over the road. When I was out on the road by myself for weeks at a time. I know it's an old saying, but at that time in my life, God was truly my co-pilot. Since I spent hours alone in the cab of that truck, the only person I had to talk to all that time was the Lord. I can remember His presence, His love, His care as I traveled down the highways.

God showed me this for a reason. You see, I have forgotten how much God loves our company. I don't think there is much else in this world that brings more joy to God's heart than our friendship with Him. I don't mean a mental friendship, I'm talking one on one, personal, heart to heart friendship that He longs for with us. Why else would He send His son to suffer on the cross for us if He did not long for us to long for Him.

My friends, I'm 51 years of age, and I can not remember a time when God was not a part of my life in some way. Now the times that God was my friend, those times are far and few between. That is all going to change, and you are my witness. I want to spend what years I have left here in this world as close to God as I can get. I can remember the Lord being with me from my earliest childhood memories. I know He will be with me as I take my last breath in this world.

Please allow God to become more personal in your life. That is what He wants, and to prove this love He allowed His Son to be hung on a cross and die for you and I. would you do that for Him.

May God bless and keep you all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Be careful

Be careful in the thinking that if someone’s life is going well that God is blessing them. Or if someone’s life if going bad that God is cursing them. The Pharisees believed this, remember how popular they were with Christ. Sliver is refined in the fire, and so is our character.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

A proclamation we could use today

Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day
March 30, 1863

“But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness”

-Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, May 09, 2010


As far back into my child as I can remember, I knew God. I may not have understood who He was or what He truly meant in my life, but thanks to my mother I knew about Him and that He loved me. As I grew my mother would read me more of the scriptures and teach me His ways. I can’t tell you how influential these teachings were to me. They built the foundation of my life. As I grew into my teens there were a couple of stages I went through. One stage I went through was actually forming what you might call a teen church. Nothing big mind you, just a group of friends that would get together and talk about the Lord. Nothing to serious, after all we were still early teens. After a few years into my teens I began to fall into the world. Some of my friends that I had known since kindergarten were falling into the peer pressure trap and doing things that they might not have normally done. So what happened was we ended up slipping into what is now known as American Christianity. You know, where you go to church on Sunday then the rest of the week you live just like the rest of the world. I was as guilty as the rest of them. But in the back of my mind and in my heart I knew this was not the way… not His way. But I continued in that life style for years. It’s only been about the last ten years or so that I no longer play that game.

I’m sharing this with you because what I know what my mother taught me at such an early age built this foundation of truth. I know, God chooses us, but He also chooses the families we will be raised in. It’s because of my mom’s faithfulness in Him and sharing His truth that I am the man I am today. I’ve been through many highs and lows in life. Many days living by the river that flows from heaven, and many days in the desert. Of course the desert times in our lives are the hardest. In those times I’ve often wondered where God was or even if He existed. That was always my mind thinking, my heart always knew the truth, and it was because of the foundation in my life put in place years earlier.

We can never under estimate the value of a mother. They have the power to raise up the next Billy Graham, or the next Hitler. My mom is no longer in this world, but I know where she is. So take this special day to honor moms everywhere and thank your mom in every way possible.

Thank you mom, see you again one day.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Not called or Not heard the call !!

“Not called!” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say. Put your ear
down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face -- whose mercy you have professed to obey -- and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.

William Booth,
Founder of the Salvation Army


Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

Greeting all,

I'm back! I finally got another computer and Internet access! I'll be on here allot more now.

Things are good. My job is going OK, although I am having issues with my boss on some simple basic needs that we need to run a business. I'll be meeting with him this coming week so we can clear the air on some of these things. The wife is really loving her new job, she actually seems happy again which I've not seen in some time. I know she still missed Savannah, but she knows that we could not make a living there and that is not a good thing.

We have been looking for another apartment. This one met our need at the time, but now things are different and we need something a little bigger and in a better neighborhood. We have found a couple of really nice ones. The only thing I don't like is how small the living rooms are. Some have great big bedrooms and the living rooms are tiny. Don't get that!

I've been studying the 2nd and 3rd chapter of the Book of Revelation. The two chapters focus on the 7 churches that Christ deals with. In reading about those churches the Spirit has really opened my eyes to some areas in my own life that I need to address. A lot of people stay away from Revelations because they think it's to hard to understand. These two chapters are very easy to read and understand. I'll be blogging more about it in coming weeks.

Good to be back and writing again. Hope this finds you all doing well.

May God keep you all safe and well,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010


Just a quick hello. I have not posted here in some time now. I should have a computer again within the next week or two. Once I do I'll be posting here allot more.

Things are going well.. Its nice to have a steady job again.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, Jan 21, 2010

Greetings !

I didn't realize so much time had gone by since my last posting. Well I think things are starting to look up for us. For one thing we did get the car back.. What a relief for everyone. Now I can get to work on time and my brother in law does not have to take me to the train and pick me up. What a burden we have been for them. They would never say anything, they have been so kind and supportive with us.. We will never be able thank them enough!

This last weekend we went house hunting... What a joke! The problem here in this area is the economy is not suffering like the rest of the country so no one is leaving here.. But there are allot of people moving here. So finding a place has been very discouraging. By Sunday evening we were deciding if we should stay or go. We were feeling like such a burden to my brother in laws family... We did not want to strain our relationship with them so we were seriously thinking about going back. Fortunately, that night my niece come by and suggested we take over their less since they were moving out on the first. Their apartments allow dogs up to 70 pounds. Its only a one bedroom, but since we don't own anything that will work out great. Only a few months left on the lease so if we didn't like it there that allows us to move if we want. Worked out for both parties bug time.

They also have some extra furniture that they are going to let us have like a bed and dinning room table. My father n law has an extra tv he is going to give us. I pray that God will bless these kind people for all their help.

This has been one of the most trying times in my life. I'll be honest, there have been times through all of this that I have wondered where God is. Not once have we gone hungry, we have had a roof over our head every night with a bed to sleep in, and we have been surrounded by loving and caring people... God has been with us big time. Thank you Lord !!

I'm typing this from my phone again and my big fingers r getting tired. I pray that His peace will fill your hearts. Never forget, no matter what is going on in your life... God is there!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12, 2010


I have a little time to write so I figured now is a good time..

Riding the train back from my job in Ogden. The trip takes about an hour and half. The first train is more of a commuter train. Two story cars, tables with power outlets for phone of computers. The second led is more like riding a subway car. At peak hours it can be standing room only. That ride is a little shorter. Yes, I'm riding the trains because I don't have the car back. Its done, they want $675.00 before I can take it. They did allot of work to it. Changed out the belts.. Fixed some leaks, stuff like that. My boss is going to help.. And I get paid either Thursday or Friday so at least I'll have it for the weekend.

We r still staying with my brother n law. They have been so kind through ask of this.. I pray God will bless them for their kindness.

Most of the time I'm ok. But then other times I feel like such a piece of shit. We've sold everything we own.. Everything. When the car died that didn't help. Now I feel like I have nothing. I feel like such a looser at times. I know I'm not, but until u experience it.. U can't even imagine. I hope and pray that none of u ever go thru this.

Please pray for my marriage as well. All of this has been so hard on my wife. I thought it might bring us closer, but just the opposite has happened. If we make it through this as husband and wife it will only be because its Gods will.

The job is going well. It is winter here in Utah so things are a little slow. Spring is right around the corner.. Can't wait !!

Thank you for your prayers... Peace to you.


Friday, January 08, 2010

Jan 09 2009

We have been in Salt Lake now since Monday. I went to work in Ogden on Tuesday. We are staying at my brother in laws house while we find something and save up the money for a house. I can't say enough about the kindness that my brother in law and his wife have shown. Opening up their home to us even though we have four dogs. We will forever be grateful for what they have done. If it wasn't for them we'd be living in the car probably. Their house is on the south side of Salt lake City so my drive to work is over 60 miles each way. It's not that bad really, just dealing with all the traffic makes it take longer than normal.

Our car broke down yesterday (Thursday). I was just getting on the freeway when the engine light came on and the motor just died. I pulled off to the shoulder of the freeway with my flashers going. Called my brother in law and also called a tow truck. While I was waiting I had two Utah Highway Patrol stop and see if I was ok. They were both very kind and professional. My brother in law ended up taking me to the train so I could go onto work. It's now Friday night and it looks like the car is going to be around $600.00 to fix (which I have about $50.00 to my name). Not worried, things are going to work out. God will take care of us one way or another.

Speaking of God. I have to rant a little. About a month before we headed west I wrote about 6 different churches in the Ogden area. I wrote asking for some help. Not financial help, just some help with a place to stay for a short time till we found a house. I'm sorry to say not only did no one offer any help, but I did not receive a response from any of the churches I wrote to. Now I'm the last person to ever pass judgment, but someone should have taken the time to respond, even a quick note just to say sorry, we aren't able to help you at this time. I won't name any of the churches but I will say they were all so called Christian churches. I'm pretty sure if Christ were here today and I asked him for somekind of help, He at least would have responded to me one way or another. The problem for me with this is what if I had been someone who was in my same position but not a follower of Christ. Do you think this person would want anything to do with Christianity after this... no!

Getting late... I'll write more over the weekend.

Peace to you all.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Almost there!

Here it is Sunday evening.. We are now in Albuquerque, NM. Looooong day on the road. To try and trim the time we've started hitting the drive throughs and eat on the run.

The weather has been really great, kinda cold in Oklahoma but not to bad here in NM. Tomorrow we will arrive at Darrell's (my brother n law) house later in the day. FINALLY !

We talked with our youngest son tonight.. That's been really hard leaving him behind. But, that's life.. He is almost 20 and wants to do this. Just dealing with the loss.

Please continue to keep us in ur prayers.. Thank you.


Friday, January 01, 2010

Day 1

The day arrived! Over the last few days we were able to sell most everything, what we didn't sell we gave to Goodwill. We left this morning at 9:30am. We had to say goodbye to our youngest son who is staying here in Savannah for now. I'm not good at goodbyes at all.. I guess no one is really. We went to a New Years Eve party late nast night with some really good friends. After midnight we said r goodbyes. Staying up late made it very hard to get up this morning.. Didn't even drink really.. Had like two beers.

Writing from a hotel in Jasper, Alabama from my cell phone so this is kinda short.

Please keep us in prayers.. I'll update again tomorrow evening.
