Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Gods love

*A few days ago we lost two of our dogs when they crawled under the fence. The one dog came back, but the smallest one did not return. The smallest one was the runt of a liter, so my wife was very concerned for her well being. Both of our sons spent a couple of hours trying to find our missing family member, but no luck. I came home from work early and posted some flyers in the neighborhood hoping that someone might have seen the little dog and taken her in. When I say little, she is about 10 inches tall, weighing about 4 pounds. My wife was very upset, she felt that she would never see her dog again, and worried that the elements alone would kill her. The story does have happy ending, the next morning, after a restless nights sleep, we get a call right b4 I'm heading out the door for work. The call was from a lady about 4 houses down the street... she had found our dog... her husband had seen the flyer and called his wife with our number. I can't tell you how happy my wife was… She was overjoyed.I'm telling this story because of something that came to me as I was walking through the door with the dog in my hands. My wife was standing there waiting for me to come through the door with her precious loved one. As I opened the door and saw the tears of joy in her eyes, my mind flashed to the Lord. At that moment, God showed me something... He showed me that this is what its like for Him when one of His precious children comes home to Him. When I came through the door, my wife was standing there with 2 other dogs by her side. Now she loves those other two just as much, but she could not hold back the joy in her heart for the one that was found and brought home. God is the same way, even though he has millions of other children at His feet, its the one that was lost and now found that bring Him so much joy.

I don't think we can even begin to imagine the love God has for us. We get a glimpse of that love in His Son, but to be present with the Lord and bask in His love... wow!! I can't wait.

Peace to you all,Tim

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