Thursday, September 14, 2006


Greetings in His love,

Tomorrow is the Thirday concert here in Colorado Springs. The show starts at 7:00pm, so I'll have to leave work a little early. I'm really looking forward to the show. These guys are one of the best bands you will ever see in concert. Great musicians, and their hearts are for the Lord. I'll be posting the day after the show... So check back.

I've been reading this book called "The Barbarian Way" by "Erwin Raphael McManus". IF you get the chance read this book. Its not long, like 150 pages, but they are filled with the truth. I must warn you, if your comfortable in your Christian walk, then don't read this book. This book is about what I have been feeling from the Lord for some time now. A real pulling or calling if you will towards the life we are called to lead. If you call Christ your Lord and savior, then every minute of everyday of your life should be living for Him. The living God gave His best for us, I think He expects the same in return. I wonder how many minutes out of our day do we really focus on Jesus Christ. I'm not going any further on that subject, I think that is something we should all pray about... Including me. I truly feel that we have no idea how much God wants to give us. The problem is... Us, He can't give all that He has for us because we don't give up all for Him. I don't know about you, but I personally want to see what He has for me.

I'm still at work, so I guess I better get back to work.

Peace to you all,

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